Friday I didn't attend any shit school, I stayed at home and watched Legend of the Seeker, both Season 1 and 2. The seeker is some ugly dude, then the mother confessor so damn pretty, how can an ugly dude go with a pretty lady woh is more powerful? Thefuck, guess this is love. hahaha. I still like Cara Mason, she's like some cool girl with no feelings for anyone. I wish I was like her, not afraid of anything.

Designing MI PE Shirts while studying!

YEA, I DIDN'T STUDY ON FRIDAY AT ALL, then on Saturday, went to popeyes to study MOB with Kwang, every single thing chapter. POWER!!!! Then we received free burger and fries. wooo! And we were like designing our school PE shirt, cause they ask to design new pe shirt and send our designs in for them to choose and stuff. hahaha. Then Marcus came back from Spain, and guess what? There was awkwardness, cause Kwang wanted to send me to my house bustop, then Marcus also. Then like wtf. But then Marcus gave me a bear, keychains and a Guess shirt from spain! :)
I'll just stick with A for now. And A doesn't stand for the person's name, it just means, A Human. Because I don't date aliens, so.. jokes on you! Sunday went to church alone, and I signed up for church choir, idk why I did that, but it takes a step of faith, and it could be an experience to live for. One less thing in life to experience, so many more to go! And then went to Roydon's house for econs tuition and then continued to study at his house.
Then at night, Kwang and I were like role playing secret agents. I am Agent Anderson, though I cannot release my agency. Then monday had MOB exam, woa, 16 questions + sub questions sia. Then only one question was 2 marks. two questions were 3 marks. three questions were 5 marks.Then seven questions were 6 marks, two questions were 10 marks and one question 15 marks. I was like writing 13 essays man. No joke, in 3 hours. One question 3/4 page used up.

It's not really spam, but it's just that his phone sucks.hahaha!
Tuesday had econs case study, as I predicted, the questions would be on Market Distortion and Import Quota, and the solutions to market distortion is to remove the subsidies (that will lead to decreased production of goods), and increase the import quota. Wooo! After school, went to koufu to have lunch with Jiabao and gang, she's damn cute luh! Then went home and realized that I forgot my key, so I met Marcus at hub and we watched The Possession, it was fucking scary, based on a true story, making it 100 times scarier. And I forgot to bring my calculator for the econs exam. Marvellous.

Cheery cheery me. :)
Today, went to meet Kwang with my bro at Dhoby, and then the rest came, and we studied maths together at The Cathay. Then went to watch Possession again. LOL. Remind me that I need to memorise the formulas for volume and shits. And about correlation and about integration, I keep forgetting how to integrate fuck. Bye everyone, goodluck for maths and I'm done with exams for this week, fuck you poa, go suck someone off. Gonna wear AC jacket with K tomorrow!
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