OKAY, SO LONG SINCE I'VE BLOGGED, MANY THINGS HAVE HAPPEN, GOOD AND BAD, but in the end, so what, at least you're still living what. I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing. Anyway, just to update abit uh, went for work last week with Kwang and Jaeyoeb, invigilated at Anderson Primary School, the children actually called us teacher! Went to play pool and lan. And I started playing Audition. hahahahaha! And then a series of friendship and love had been tested. It's really just a small thing, but it actually affected the people around me.

So then, I haven't been spending much time with my dear friends, vais, jerry and hanan lately, I unknowningly neglected them. Maybe it's also for the best that I could use some space. We have been together for like the entire year in school. So much so that, I feel stuck. But I think everything is okay luh, whatever happens, my main goal is to do well in A Level and praise God for whatever comes. I have even signed up for choir in church too! Leap of Faith.

This week is the best/worst week. As you know, I have been promoted to the next level in my school, which means I get to keep my councilship and my trip to Italy! Praise God! Hallelujah! :D I actually passed my econs! I am so happy! And Abi and Sherlyn also promoted, and they are going Italy with me! But I want Dan Ying also! ): Then, the rest? At least Hanan and Jerry advanced, but Vais, she has to be retained. ): Damn sad for everyone. Kwang retain. ):
Then until then, I can go to Italy! Wooooooooooooo!!!!! And I'm going Genting also! And maybe Bangkok! What the fuck this holiday! PLAY AH. Going Roydon house later! So going there to buy souvenirs for everyone in this list: Family, Roydon, my clique, DY clique, a whole list. I'm going to be spending quite alot of money sia. So, your gifts will be damn cheap, ps ah.
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