hohoho merry christmas! Damn! It's a long way to go! Today morning went to church, NEH, I WAS DOING ECONS TUITION HOMEWORK! UGH. Then after that went shopping and bought 5 bags and 1 top! Then went home, first aunt and her husband was in my house, grandpa also came! They were having lunch here. Then after that Grandma came, AFTER HOW MANY YEARS SIA!
Then went for Econs tuition at Roydon's house! Learned about Monopoly and Oligopoly. Reminds me of Aglio Olio. Which reminds me of Italian language the way you pronounce 'Ag'. Then just stayed at home, waiting for Dan Ying to send me the econs, then I can do the powerpoint! Guess what guys? I'm fat, I'm gonna hit 50kg anytime soon! ): That's why I bought some slimming pills, I know it's unhealthy, but, I'm already unhealthy anyway.
And then I'm just here rotting at home! Okay, I want to buy this drug called -okayicanttellyou-, it worked on Lindsay Lohan, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie, Mischa Barton. See!

I wanna fast like mad, like seriously, THIS TIME NO JOKE!!!!!!! If not I will die.
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