Anyway, I am displeased with the winner of this year's Miss World, seriously China? I mean look at the contestants below, I dare say so many of them are prettier, sexier, and look more intelligent. I'll write comments of each contestant! :/
Miss World 2012 Contestants
Albania - Floriana Garo (Hot level 5stars, such a bewitching face!)
Angola - Edmilza Dos Santos (The body is awesome, but the face abit...)
Argentina - Josefina Herrero (Goodness gracious, Queen of Gorgeous land.)
Aruba - Lucianette Verhoeks (Okay, truth be told, I don't think she's.., okay maybe her personality is nice?)
Australia - Jessica Kahawaty (wowowowow, She looks like, the younger version of Eva Green! Angelic.)
Austria - Amina Dagi (Her eye colour is damn I AM AWESTRUCK. She is exquisite.)
Bahamas - Daronique Young (erm, nothing to say.)
Babardos - Marielle Wilkie (I don't really like her eye distance.)
Belarus - Julia Skalkovich (She is one hell of a enchanting princess like this!)

Belgium - Laura Beyne (Comely.)
Belize - Chantae Chanice (Her nose like Shivon's!)
Bermuda - Rochelle Minors (meh.)
Bolivia - Mariana Garcia (Her body is rocking the outfit, but the hair not very matching.)

Bonaire - Ana Gisel Maciel (She looks like an opera singer.)

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Fikreta Husic (So-so)
Botswana - Tapiwa Anna-Marie Preston (She gives me this, "I am a nice person" feeling.)
Brazil - Mariana Notarangelo (THIS HOT STUFF CAN ROCK VS SHOW STAGE, Brazil forever producing top models.)
Bulgaria - Gabriela Vasileva (She looks kinda like Elena Gilbert, lovely~)
Canada - Tara Teng (Why is she a chinese, its Canada.)
Chile - Camila Recabarren (*eyes pop, jaw drop* Even better than Miss Brazil or what?)

China - Wen Xia Yu (She is pretty, but got so many more alluring than her lea, wo bu gan nian.)
Columbia - Barbara Turbay (Her arms are not very nice.. Her boobs are good though.)

Costa Rice - Silvana Sanchez (She looks like Trina Vega.)
Cote L'lvoire - Helene Valerie Djouka (Quite an interesting outfit and hairpin, matches Helene.)
Croatia - Maja Nikolic (The brows are abit..)
Curacao - Stephanie Rose Chang (The sophisticated lady look.)
Cyprus - Georgia Georgiou (heh, she looks better on stage.)
Czech Republic - Linda Bartosova (Blonde, okay I must say she's amazing.)
Denmark - Iris Thomsen (She has that Avril Lavigne look.)
Dominican Republic - Saly Aponte (Goodness gracious, I didn't know that Dominican Republic produce such magnificent creatures as well, I guess the media is just bias)
Ecuador - Cipriana Correia (Normal.)
El Salvador - Maria Luisa Vicuna (Her name is cool though.)
England - Charlotte Holmes (Sweet innocent pure girl, she is so pretty even without make up! I like!)
Equatorial Guinea - Jennifer Reveiro Ilende (I want to be as skinny as her please.)
Ethopia - Melkam Michael Endale (Okay, even this picture doesn't want to show her face, I have nothing to say.)
Fiji - Koini Vakaloloma (yea, Fiji, you can do better than this.)

Finland - Sabina Sarkka (She is so elegant, even a plain necklace can do wonders for her!)
France - Delphine Wespiser (I love her hair colour, and her country and her language, and her beauty, mesmerizing.)

Gabon - Marie Noelle Ada (Nice eyes ~)
Georgia - Salome Khomeriki (Pochahontas REAL LIFE VERSION!)
Germany - Martina Ivezaj (Yeap, I think it's sorta okay.)

Gibraltar - Jessica Baldachino (Well, neh.)
Greece - Maria Tsagaraki (WOW, she has this, "I am a Goddess" attitude, awesome, she might be the human form of Aphrodites!)
Guadeloupe - Brigitte Golabkan (Simply appealing.)
Guam - Jeneva Bosko (She use Pantene or what?)

Guatemala - Monique Aparicio (Quite okay luh.)
Guyana - Arti Cameron (Her face like mine abit fat eh.)

Honduras - Jennifer Valle (OMG OMG OMG DAZZLING THING THERE.)
Hong Kong - Kelly Cheung (See what I'm saying? Even Miss HK, so much prettier than Miss China please.)
Hungary - Tamara Cserhati (She might mary a prince next time.)
Iceland - Iris Telma Jonsdottir (The brows again, what's with everyone's eyebrows these days.)

India - Vanya Mishra (Okay la, not expected from India, so many dancing queens in Bollywood why don't want to choose? Confirm win one sia if choose them.)
Indonesia - Ines Putri Tjiptadi Chandra (Hey! She has part of Sarah's name in it!)

Israel - Shani Hazan (Marvellous.)

Italy - Jessica Bellinghieri (Omg, her eye colour is damn cool luh, greenish yellow. I ALSO WANT.)
Jamaica - Deanna Robins (Her teeth damn white.)
Japan - Nozomi Igarashi (Erm, I'll pass.)
Kenya - Shamim Nabil (Don't you think the mouth abit too big? :/)
Korea - Sung Min Kim (Confirm plastic surgery.)
Kyrgyzstan - Diana Ovganova (Kyrgyzstan is an Asian country meh?)
Lativa - Anastasija Skibunova (Actually look quite old.)
Lebanon - Sonia-Lynn Gabriel (Marbellous, I thought Miss India will be like her.)
Lesotho - Nomazondo Mphakisoane (Okay, eyes too big abit scary.)
Lithuania - Rasa Vereniute (Another charming one even without make up.)
Macau - Winnie Sin (See?So much better than China.)
Macedonia - Aneta Stojkoska (She looks like Leia from Glee, but the nose different!)
Malawai - Susan Mtegha (the hell, no. Tell you what, next year I stand in for your country kay?) :)
Malaysia - Yvonne Lee (I thought will be Malay represent the country, because Malaysia got alot of damn enticing Malays ley.)
Malta - Daniela Darmanin (Look abit like Nicole from Pussycat dolls.)
Martinique - Andy Govindin (blabla whatever is this.)
Mauritius - Shalini Panchoo (Quite radiant, her face.)
Mexico - Mariana Berumen (Hot Body, Curly Long Hair, Pretty Face, omg Miss Mexico is the new black.)
Moldova - Ana Diaconu (She looks like a little girl, damn cute, I like.)
Mongolia - Bayarmaa Khuselbaatar (Since I'm one quater Mongolian, why not I represent Mongolia next year? Like seriously.)
Montenegro - Nikolina Loncar (She's so sexy.)
she reminds me of Dalia from Suburgatory!
But ofcourse Nikolina is wayy prettier SEE:
Nepal - Shristi Shrestha (Can advertise for Dove.)
Netherlands - Nathalie Den Dekker (She's lovely and impressive.)
New Zealand - Collette Lochore (Blur look one. O_O)
Nicaragua - Lauren Lawson (Her pose damn nicer, but like there's something wrong with it ley.)
Nigeria - Damiete Charles-Granville (Is this a Nickolodean kid's paegant or what?)
Northern Ireland - Tiffany Brien (Okay also luh.)

Norway - Karoline Olsen (Her skin is damn fair, I like her curly ends.)
Panama - Maricely Gonzalez (Okay, 1.She looks like Selena Gomez 2.What's with that outfit.)

Paraguay - Fiorella Migliore (Reminds me of Freja Beha, will she be the next?)

Peru - Giuliana Zevallos (Peru forever combining good traits from their citizens to have this kind of Megan Fox looking girls.)
Philippines - Queenierich Rehman (Whats with her name.)
Poland - Weronika Szmajdzinska (Another Avril Lavigne kinda girl!)
Portugal - Melanie Vincente (Actually right, she looks like those high school teenagers in America the popular section kids.)
Puerto Rico - Janelee Chaparro (Smile ley.)
Russia - Elizaveta Golovanova (Russia, wow. Simply, w.o.w.)
Scotland - Nicole Treacy (???)
Serbia - Bojana Lecic (She look like Brazilian kinda model.)
Seychelles - Sherlyn Ferneau (Church singer perhaps?)
Sierra Leone - Vanessa Williams (Omg STAY AWAY FROM ME, Frightening much?)
Singapore - Karisa Sukamto (The normal Singaporean girl look.)
Slovakia - Kristina Krajcirova (Okay __)
Slovenia - Nives Oresnik (Girl version of Andrec Pejic.)
South Africa - Remona Moodley (Too pale perhaps?)
South Sudan - Atong De Mach (That's the opposite of the precious one.)
Spain - Aranzazu Estevez (Can be jewellery model already lor.)
Sri Lanka - Sumudu Prasadini (I ask Karol stand in for you okay?)

St Kitts & Nevis - Markysa O'Loughlin (What is this kind of a joke?)
Suriname - Stefanie Grace Gentle (Cheeky smile uh.)

Tazania - Lisa Jensen (Okay, she is creepy, but classy.)
Thailand - Vanessa Herrmann (Confirm plastic surgery also.)
Trinidad & Tobago - Athaliah Samuel (Nice eye matches, you helping gay community also? Good for you!) :)

Turkey - Acalya Samyeli Danoglu (Just Beautiful.)
Uganda - Phiona Bizzu (What zhu?)
Ukraine - Karina Zhyronkina (wowowow, Now I want to be a Ukrainian, they have the most talented and beautiful people, namely Mila Kunis.)
United States of America - Claudine Book (Cute, Sweet, Innocent, Breathtaking look, nice touch with the bird. The kind of girl next door.)

Uruguay - Valentina Henderson (Okay la, but the look abit sian.)
Venezuela - Gabriella Ferrari (Taylor Swift, teardrops on my guitar. Right? I like this kind of look.)
Vietnam - Hu Ti Hoang (Vietnam surprised me.)
Wales - Sophie Moulds (Now I want to migrate to Wales to go stare at models.)
Zambia - Christine Mwaaba (what the hell did I just see...)

Zimbabwe - Bongani Diakama (there it is again...)
That's all! Byebye!
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