Thursday, 30 August 2012
And the backstabbing issue.
Yesterday, played donkey tail for PE, and fell down while running. ): General office applied alcohol on my wound. Then yea, nothing much really. Jerry got detention though, poor girl, not her fault. After school headed to granny's house. Then went home.
Today, went to chong boon, the drama performance, wasn't nice, I didn't even understand the whole thing. 7 deadly sins. I seriously don't know how they will do for SYF next year. The rest was fine I guess, finally met Stefi again! And some of my classmates, after that went to amkhub to catch Step Up Revolution with Marcus. The only funny thing was, whatever I was doing, Marcus had to ask me if I'm okay. It's like, huh? ofcourse i'm okay la. even I go toilet also ask, haha.
Then that's about it. I am so worried for S****, I don't know what her next move is but, I'm afraid it's the wrong one! aye. I just hope that she's alright. Everything's gonna be fine. I have another problem with someone else, apparently, people are talking behind my back, thanks alot for even calling yourself my friend. Asshole.
So like, it's time for me to (ican'tsayithere). Yes, I think it's time, I'm getting so bored. Anyway, shshshshh, but I think K's kinda cute. hahaha!
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
And the chinese essay.
Okay, after this I'm gonna go sleep. After 2 days of not taking the pills, I feel like a slob. ): Cause I ate so much these 2 days! BECAUSE MY PARENTS FORCE ME TO EAT LUH, now my face like damn fat, I want to cry. ):
Some unglams of the girls :
Today went to school as usual, first lesson was MOB, we just learn international business stuff luh, and then had chinese, wrote an essay, of ''我终于明白了!" Since it was counted in CA2, and since I failed a test with 19/80, orfcourse I had to cheat for this essay! It's worth 60 marks, if I manage to clinch a 50, wow. So, how I copied the essay from the internet, hahaha, and the teacher read it and said it was good! And she read out the idioms I wrote for the essay, and was so happy that even I knew how to use them!
more unglams of the girls.
But, sorry to disappoint, I don't even know what any of the idioims mean! LOL. I feel so bad but, meh. After that had 2 periods of break! Ate froyo and fish fillet, aiyo eat eat eat. Then went over to Abi and Sherylyn's table and listen to Kwang telling ghost stories, fuck that's why today I must sleep earlier, so I can sleep before my brother! :)
Hanan's Altar.
Turned out, Kwang knew my brother, cause they played soccer in his old school before! So, then after school skipped CIP (It's useless.), and headed to Hanan's house for lunch cum dinner! DAMN DELICIOUS, ESPECIALLY THE SAMBAL SOTONG, THANK YOU HANAN AND HANAN MUMMY FOR COOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had so much fun in her house with vais, jerry and her! woohoo, k gonna sleep now, nites everyone! :) I am so worried for Sarah...
So more pictures:
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
And Jerry's 17th Birthday.
Yesterday, went to school, and Hanan brought the hamster we bought for Jerry's birthday to school to give to Jerry! So good right we? We search so many places just to find the Syrian Hamster, I found one online and we went to adopt it from the owner. So before accounting, I closed Jerry's eyes, and Hanan put the hamster cage in front of her, Jerry was happy. :) YAY!
Then had maths test that day, on applications of differentiation. Then the rest is shit, like econs and mob. After school Hanan send me home! I went to buy birthday cake for Jerry! Then today it's Jerry's Birthday! So here's a note (video) to my dearest Jerry!
Okay, so played dancing molecules for P.E, Averil and Co. created it, a different Averil and Co. lluh. After school went to have dinner with Minghui, Liling, Jiabao, Jiaen and Ginger! We all ate dried noodles! I had ice cream and fries too! Damn cheap, goodness me. Then we played Old Maid, and Liling was the Old Maid! And then played Uno, woa, Jiabao win sia! hahaha! So fun! Another day at school tomorrow, so gonna skip C.I.P! BUT HOW.
Then had maths test that day, on applications of differentiation. Then the rest is shit, like econs and mob. After school Hanan send me home! I went to buy birthday cake for Jerry! Then today it's Jerry's Birthday! So here's a note (video) to my dearest Jerry!
Okay, so played dancing molecules for P.E, Averil and Co. created it, a different Averil and Co. lluh. After school went to have dinner with Minghui, Liling, Jiabao, Jiaen and Ginger! We all ate dried noodles! I had ice cream and fries too! Damn cheap, goodness me. Then we played Old Maid, and Liling was the Old Maid! And then played Uno, woa, Jiabao win sia! hahaha! So fun! Another day at school tomorrow, so gonna skip C.I.P! BUT HOW.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
And the weird days ahead.
Went to church in the morning, and then went to meet Hanan to do something, at Nex! Then went to Addeva's house downstairs. Ya, my new friend! Then went to Roydon's house for Econs tuition, and then went out to eat dinner with my family plus mother side grandparents. Then went to Bishan Park to walk.
me prank calling people. and that's vais. (i stole this from jerry's blog.)
I went to Bishan Park 4 days in a row sia!! Weird things keep happening to me. I wanna take bus and tap right, I took out my house key to tap? And then I want to open my house gate, I took out my ezlink card, siao bo. Oh and Roger asked me for stead? I don't even really know him. I already rejected Marcus, how could I possibly agree to Roger, it's just weird. I'm still you know, that, so I can't possibly anyhow accept this kind of commitment from BOYS.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
And the fighter girl sucks.
Okay, the only stupid thing about the movie is the frigging girl who tagged along, what Maggie Chen, she's damn ugly la please. At first when she riding motorcycle with helmet I thought she will look something like this:
but guess what? When she removed her motor cycle helmet, this came out:
what in the world. The whole movie so nice, but then this actress like spoil the whole show, act sexy but not sexy at all, she doesn't have that sexy fighter girl factor like tomb raider or nikita. Like seriously.
The usual Saturday, went for music, and then guess what? The stupidest thing on earth happened! Nevermind, I won't say it. Then went to Nex to have lunch at Hot Tomato with my parents. And then we watched The Expendables 2! Damn nice sia that movie. Then we went to bishan park to exercise! Played all the old school stuff like monkey bars, etc. Then went sheng shiong, marketing, and here I am, okay goodbye!
Friday, 24 August 2012
And the Absolute Calls.
Yesterday, P.E was damn fun, cause sit in aircon room and plan P.E games! Woooo! Our game is called Hop Chicken Hop, we're gonna play it on Tuesday! :D Then accounting reconciliation test for Control Accounts, I confirm fail because my formats are still with yunxin! I need them back ASAP, if not my incomplete account test confirm fail.. With the help of Dan Ying now, I can pass the tests sia! So happy! Anyway, after accounting test, had MOB test.
Ya, I know right, somemore the accounting teacher took away half of our break. That we had so little time to revise for our MOB test! But we knew the questions beforehand ready cause someone from another class told someone from my class. heeheehee. After MOB was maths, boring as fuck. Then after school went pastamania with Jerry and Hanan, then Jerry headed home while Hanan and I went to -this part cannot write here, it's a secret-. Ohya! Then I went home via walking through Bishan Park, from Hanan house, our house quite near sia!
Today, econs nothing much, gp nothing much. All the lessons got pushed forward, because we were having a Guiness World Record event held at my school whereby, we have to fold 40,000 paper fish in 1 hour. Ya, guess how much we folded? 77,776 paper fish! WOW. But the four of us weren't there when they were counting the fish, we escaped the counting thing. Today we prank call alot of people, hahaha, all I talk one la. I'm such a good actress. haha!
We pranked Vais Cousin, Alfred, Irrfan, Rachel, Brenda, Umair, ya! We will continue pranking on Monday, watch out everyone ~ hahaha! Then, went to Seoul Garden at Marina Square for steamboat! WOOOO! Eat until damn shiok uh! Got ice cream and all! We ate so much chicken that I think we're sick of Chicken. Then we parted ways, but I went home with Hanan, cause we wanted to go to Bishan Park to play Swing. (damn childish right? But I like swings okay.) And we play the spinning wheel thing, and the small spinning thing with the stick in the middle, and climbed a rock with a rope. Damn fun! Sweat like mad! Then went home! Thats all, okay bye!
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
And the MissWorld 2012.
So, I've been more relaxed lately, because my stupid music exam is over. I'm done there fullstop. So anyway, school today was tiring. Had Pre-U Sem Certificate thingy after school and received certificates, a planner and free buffet ~ Then went home without going CIP, I told the gay teacher that I not going CIP ready like at 2plus. Then when I was on the train at like 2.50pm. He messaged me at 2.57pm to meet outside the staff room at 3pm to continue CIP. Crazy. Who ask you never tell me earlier, then I on the train ready.
Anyway, I am displeased with the winner of this year's Miss World, seriously China? I mean look at the contestants below, I dare say so many of them are prettier, sexier, and look more intelligent. I'll write comments of each contestant! :/
Miss World 2012 Contestants
Albania - Floriana Garo (Hot level 5stars, such a bewitching face!)

Angola - Edmilza Dos Santos (The body is awesome, but the face abit...)
Argentina - Josefina Herrero (Goodness gracious, Queen of Gorgeous land.)
Aruba - Lucianette Verhoeks (Okay, truth be told, I don't think she's.., okay maybe her personality is nice?)
Australia - Jessica Kahawaty (wowowowow, She looks like, the younger version of Eva Green! Angelic.)
Austria - Amina Dagi (Her eye colour is damn I AM AWESTRUCK. She is exquisite.)
Bahamas - Daronique Young (erm, nothing to say.)
Babardos - Marielle Wilkie (I don't really like her eye distance.)
Belarus - Julia Skalkovich (She is one hell of a enchanting princess like this!)
Belgium - Laura Beyne (Comely.)
Belize - Chantae Chanice (Her nose like Shivon's!)
Bermuda - Rochelle Minors (meh.)
Bolivia - Mariana Garcia (Her body is rocking the outfit, but the hair not very matching.)
Bonaire - Ana Gisel Maciel (She looks like an opera singer.)
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Fikreta Husic (So-so)
Botswana - Tapiwa Anna-Marie Preston (She gives me this, "I am a nice person" feeling.)
Brazil - Mariana Notarangelo (THIS HOT STUFF CAN ROCK VS SHOW STAGE, Brazil forever producing top models.)
Bulgaria - Gabriela Vasileva (She looks kinda like Elena Gilbert, lovely~)
Canada - Tara Teng (Why is she a chinese, its Canada.)
Chile - Camila Recabarren (*eyes pop, jaw drop* Even better than Miss Brazil or what?)
China - Wen Xia Yu (She is pretty, but got so many more alluring than her lea, wo bu gan nian.)
Columbia - Barbara Turbay (Her arms are not very nice.. Her boobs are good though.)
Costa Rice - Silvana Sanchez (She looks like Trina Vega.)
Cote L'lvoire - Helene Valerie Djouka (Quite an interesting outfit and hairpin, matches Helene.)
Croatia - Maja Nikolic (The brows are abit..)
Curacao - Stephanie Rose Chang (The sophisticated lady look.)
Cyprus - Georgia Georgiou (heh, she looks better on stage.)
Czech Republic - Linda Bartosova (Blonde, okay I must say she's amazing.)
Denmark - Iris Thomsen (She has that Avril Lavigne look.)
Dominican Republic - Saly Aponte (Goodness gracious, I didn't know that Dominican Republic produce such magnificent creatures as well, I guess the media is just bias)
Ecuador - Cipriana Correia (Normal.)
El Salvador - Maria Luisa Vicuna (Her name is cool though.)
England - Charlotte Holmes (Sweet innocent pure girl, she is so pretty even without make up! I like!)
Equatorial Guinea - Jennifer Reveiro Ilende (I want to be as skinny as her please.)
Ethopia - Melkam Michael Endale (Okay, even this picture doesn't want to show her face, I have nothing to say.)
Fiji - Koini Vakaloloma (yea, Fiji, you can do better than this.)
Finland - Sabina Sarkka (She is so elegant, even a plain necklace can do wonders for her!)
France - Delphine Wespiser (I love her hair colour, and her country and her language, and her beauty, mesmerizing.)
Gabon - Marie Noelle Ada (Nice eyes ~)
Georgia - Salome Khomeriki (Pochahontas REAL LIFE VERSION!)
Germany - Martina Ivezaj (Yeap, I think it's sorta okay.)
Gibraltar - Jessica Baldachino (Well, neh.)
Greece - Maria Tsagaraki (WOW, she has this, "I am a Goddess" attitude, awesome, she might be the human form of Aphrodites!)
Guadeloupe - Brigitte Golabkan (Simply appealing.)
Guam - Jeneva Bosko (She use Pantene or what?)
Guatemala - Monique Aparicio (Quite okay luh.)
Guyana - Arti Cameron (Her face like mine abit fat eh.)
Honduras - Jennifer Valle (OMG OMG OMG DAZZLING THING THERE.)
Hong Kong - Kelly Cheung (See what I'm saying? Even Miss HK, so much prettier than Miss China please.)
Hungary - Tamara Cserhati (She might mary a prince next time.)
Iceland - Iris Telma Jonsdottir (The brows again, what's with everyone's eyebrows these days.)
India - Vanya Mishra (Okay la, not expected from India, so many dancing queens in Bollywood why don't want to choose? Confirm win one sia if choose them.)
Indonesia - Ines Putri Tjiptadi Chandra (Hey! She has part of Sarah's name in it!)
Israel - Shani Hazan (Marvellous.)
Italy - Jessica Bellinghieri (Omg, her eye colour is damn cool luh, greenish yellow. I ALSO WANT.)
Jamaica - Deanna Robins (Her teeth damn white.)
Japan - Nozomi Igarashi (Erm, I'll pass.)
Kenya - Shamim Nabil (Don't you think the mouth abit too big? :/)
Korea - Sung Min Kim (Confirm plastic surgery.)

Kyrgyzstan - Diana Ovganova (Kyrgyzstan is an Asian country meh?)
Lativa - Anastasija Skibunova (Actually look quite old.)
Lebanon - Sonia-Lynn Gabriel (Marbellous, I thought Miss India will be like her.)
Lesotho - Nomazondo Mphakisoane (Okay, eyes too big abit scary.)
Lithuania - Rasa Vereniute (Another charming one even without make up.)
Macau - Winnie Sin (See?So much better than China.)
Macedonia - Aneta Stojkoska (She looks like Leia from Glee, but the nose different!)
Malawai - Susan Mtegha (the hell, no. Tell you what, next year I stand in for your country kay?) :)

Malaysia - Yvonne Lee (I thought will be Malay represent the country, because Malaysia got alot of damn enticing Malays ley.)
Malta - Daniela Darmanin (Look abit like Nicole from Pussycat dolls.)
Martinique - Andy Govindin (blabla whatever is this.)
Mauritius - Shalini Panchoo (Quite radiant, her face.)
Mexico - Mariana Berumen (Hot Body, Curly Long Hair, Pretty Face, omg Miss Mexico is the new black.)
Moldova - Ana Diaconu (She looks like a little girl, damn cute, I like.)
Mongolia - Bayarmaa Khuselbaatar (Since I'm one quater Mongolian, why not I represent Mongolia next year? Like seriously.)
Montenegro - Nikolina Loncar (She's so sexy.)
she reminds me of Dalia from Suburgatory!
But ofcourse Nikolina is wayy prettier SEE:
Nepal - Shristi Shrestha (Can advertise for Dove.)
Netherlands - Nathalie Den Dekker (She's lovely and impressive.)
New Zealand - Collette Lochore (Blur look one. O_O)
Nicaragua - Lauren Lawson (Her pose damn nicer, but like there's something wrong with it ley.)
Nigeria - Damiete Charles-Granville (Is this a Nickolodean kid's paegant or what?)
Northern Ireland - Tiffany Brien (Okay also luh.)
Norway - Karoline Olsen (Her skin is damn fair, I like her curly ends.)
Panama - Maricely Gonzalez (Okay, 1.She looks like Selena Gomez 2.What's with that outfit.)
Paraguay - Fiorella Migliore (Reminds me of Freja Beha, will she be the next?)
Peru - Giuliana Zevallos (Peru forever combining good traits from their citizens to have this kind of Megan Fox looking girls.)
Philippines - Queenierich Rehman (Whats with her name.)
Poland - Weronika Szmajdzinska (Another Avril Lavigne kinda girl!)
Portugal - Melanie Vincente (Actually right, she looks like those high school teenagers in America the popular section kids.)
Puerto Rico - Janelee Chaparro (Smile ley.)
Russia - Elizaveta Golovanova (Russia, wow. Simply, w.o.w.)
Scotland - Nicole Treacy (???)
Serbia - Bojana Lecic (She look like Brazilian kinda model.)
Seychelles - Sherlyn Ferneau (Church singer perhaps?)
Sierra Leone - Vanessa Williams (Omg STAY AWAY FROM ME, Frightening much?)
Singapore - Karisa Sukamto (The normal Singaporean girl look.)
Slovakia - Kristina Krajcirova (Okay __)
Slovenia - Nives Oresnik (Girl version of Andrec Pejic.)
South Africa - Remona Moodley (Too pale perhaps?)
South Sudan - Atong De Mach (That's the opposite of the precious one.)
Spain - Aranzazu Estevez (Can be jewellery model already lor.)
Sri Lanka - Sumudu Prasadini (I ask Karol stand in for you okay?)
St Kitts & Nevis - Markysa O'Loughlin (What is this kind of a joke?)
Suriname - Stefanie Grace Gentle (Cheeky smile uh.)
Tazania - Lisa Jensen (Okay, she is creepy, but classy.)
Thailand - Vanessa Herrmann (Confirm plastic surgery also.)
Trinidad & Tobago - Athaliah Samuel (Nice eye matches, you helping gay community also? Good for you!) :)
Turkey - Acalya Samyeli Danoglu (Just Beautiful.)
Uganda - Phiona Bizzu (What zhu?)
Ukraine - Karina Zhyronkina (wowowow, Now I want to be a Ukrainian, they have the most talented and beautiful people, namely Mila Kunis.)
United States of America - Claudine Book (Cute, Sweet, Innocent, Breathtaking look, nice touch with the bird. The kind of girl next door.)
Uruguay - Valentina Henderson (Okay la, but the look abit sian.)
Venezuela - Gabriella Ferrari (Taylor Swift, teardrops on my guitar. Right? I like this kind of look.)
Vietnam - Hu Ti Hoang (Vietnam surprised me.)
Wales - Sophie Moulds (Now I want to migrate to Wales to go stare at models.)
Zambia - Christine Mwaaba (what the hell did I just see...)
Zimbabwe - Bongani Diakama (there it is again...)
That's all! Byebye!
Anyway, I am displeased with the winner of this year's Miss World, seriously China? I mean look at the contestants below, I dare say so many of them are prettier, sexier, and look more intelligent. I'll write comments of each contestant! :/
Miss World 2012 Contestants
Albania - Floriana Garo (Hot level 5stars, such a bewitching face!)
Angola - Edmilza Dos Santos (The body is awesome, but the face abit...)
Argentina - Josefina Herrero (Goodness gracious, Queen of Gorgeous land.)
Aruba - Lucianette Verhoeks (Okay, truth be told, I don't think she's.., okay maybe her personality is nice?)
Australia - Jessica Kahawaty (wowowowow, She looks like, the younger version of Eva Green! Angelic.)
Austria - Amina Dagi (Her eye colour is damn I AM AWESTRUCK. She is exquisite.)
Bahamas - Daronique Young (erm, nothing to say.)
Babardos - Marielle Wilkie (I don't really like her eye distance.)
Belarus - Julia Skalkovich (She is one hell of a enchanting princess like this!)

Belgium - Laura Beyne (Comely.)
Belize - Chantae Chanice (Her nose like Shivon's!)
Bermuda - Rochelle Minors (meh.)
Bolivia - Mariana Garcia (Her body is rocking the outfit, but the hair not very matching.)

Bonaire - Ana Gisel Maciel (She looks like an opera singer.)

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Fikreta Husic (So-so)
Botswana - Tapiwa Anna-Marie Preston (She gives me this, "I am a nice person" feeling.)
Brazil - Mariana Notarangelo (THIS HOT STUFF CAN ROCK VS SHOW STAGE, Brazil forever producing top models.)
Bulgaria - Gabriela Vasileva (She looks kinda like Elena Gilbert, lovely~)
Canada - Tara Teng (Why is she a chinese, its Canada.)
Chile - Camila Recabarren (*eyes pop, jaw drop* Even better than Miss Brazil or what?)

China - Wen Xia Yu (She is pretty, but got so many more alluring than her lea, wo bu gan nian.)
Columbia - Barbara Turbay (Her arms are not very nice.. Her boobs are good though.)

Costa Rice - Silvana Sanchez (She looks like Trina Vega.)
Cote L'lvoire - Helene Valerie Djouka (Quite an interesting outfit and hairpin, matches Helene.)
Croatia - Maja Nikolic (The brows are abit..)
Curacao - Stephanie Rose Chang (The sophisticated lady look.)
Cyprus - Georgia Georgiou (heh, she looks better on stage.)
Czech Republic - Linda Bartosova (Blonde, okay I must say she's amazing.)
Denmark - Iris Thomsen (She has that Avril Lavigne look.)
Dominican Republic - Saly Aponte (Goodness gracious, I didn't know that Dominican Republic produce such magnificent creatures as well, I guess the media is just bias)
Ecuador - Cipriana Correia (Normal.)
El Salvador - Maria Luisa Vicuna (Her name is cool though.)
England - Charlotte Holmes (Sweet innocent pure girl, she is so pretty even without make up! I like!)
Equatorial Guinea - Jennifer Reveiro Ilende (I want to be as skinny as her please.)
Ethopia - Melkam Michael Endale (Okay, even this picture doesn't want to show her face, I have nothing to say.)
Fiji - Koini Vakaloloma (yea, Fiji, you can do better than this.)

Finland - Sabina Sarkka (She is so elegant, even a plain necklace can do wonders for her!)
France - Delphine Wespiser (I love her hair colour, and her country and her language, and her beauty, mesmerizing.)

Gabon - Marie Noelle Ada (Nice eyes ~)
Georgia - Salome Khomeriki (Pochahontas REAL LIFE VERSION!)
Germany - Martina Ivezaj (Yeap, I think it's sorta okay.)

Gibraltar - Jessica Baldachino (Well, neh.)
Greece - Maria Tsagaraki (WOW, she has this, "I am a Goddess" attitude, awesome, she might be the human form of Aphrodites!)
Guadeloupe - Brigitte Golabkan (Simply appealing.)
Guam - Jeneva Bosko (She use Pantene or what?)

Guatemala - Monique Aparicio (Quite okay luh.)
Guyana - Arti Cameron (Her face like mine abit fat eh.)

Honduras - Jennifer Valle (OMG OMG OMG DAZZLING THING THERE.)
Hong Kong - Kelly Cheung (See what I'm saying? Even Miss HK, so much prettier than Miss China please.)
Hungary - Tamara Cserhati (She might mary a prince next time.)
Iceland - Iris Telma Jonsdottir (The brows again, what's with everyone's eyebrows these days.)

India - Vanya Mishra (Okay la, not expected from India, so many dancing queens in Bollywood why don't want to choose? Confirm win one sia if choose them.)
Indonesia - Ines Putri Tjiptadi Chandra (Hey! She has part of Sarah's name in it!)

Israel - Shani Hazan (Marvellous.)

Italy - Jessica Bellinghieri (Omg, her eye colour is damn cool luh, greenish yellow. I ALSO WANT.)
Jamaica - Deanna Robins (Her teeth damn white.)
Japan - Nozomi Igarashi (Erm, I'll pass.)
Kenya - Shamim Nabil (Don't you think the mouth abit too big? :/)
Korea - Sung Min Kim (Confirm plastic surgery.)
Kyrgyzstan - Diana Ovganova (Kyrgyzstan is an Asian country meh?)
Lativa - Anastasija Skibunova (Actually look quite old.)
Lebanon - Sonia-Lynn Gabriel (Marbellous, I thought Miss India will be like her.)
Lesotho - Nomazondo Mphakisoane (Okay, eyes too big abit scary.)
Lithuania - Rasa Vereniute (Another charming one even without make up.)
Macau - Winnie Sin (See?So much better than China.)
Macedonia - Aneta Stojkoska (She looks like Leia from Glee, but the nose different!)
Malawai - Susan Mtegha (the hell, no. Tell you what, next year I stand in for your country kay?) :)
Malaysia - Yvonne Lee (I thought will be Malay represent the country, because Malaysia got alot of damn enticing Malays ley.)
Malta - Daniela Darmanin (Look abit like Nicole from Pussycat dolls.)
Martinique - Andy Govindin (blabla whatever is this.)
Mauritius - Shalini Panchoo (Quite radiant, her face.)
Mexico - Mariana Berumen (Hot Body, Curly Long Hair, Pretty Face, omg Miss Mexico is the new black.)
Moldova - Ana Diaconu (She looks like a little girl, damn cute, I like.)
Mongolia - Bayarmaa Khuselbaatar (Since I'm one quater Mongolian, why not I represent Mongolia next year? Like seriously.)
Montenegro - Nikolina Loncar (She's so sexy.)
she reminds me of Dalia from Suburgatory!
But ofcourse Nikolina is wayy prettier SEE:
Nepal - Shristi Shrestha (Can advertise for Dove.)
Netherlands - Nathalie Den Dekker (She's lovely and impressive.)
New Zealand - Collette Lochore (Blur look one. O_O)
Nicaragua - Lauren Lawson (Her pose damn nicer, but like there's something wrong with it ley.)
Nigeria - Damiete Charles-Granville (Is this a Nickolodean kid's paegant or what?)
Northern Ireland - Tiffany Brien (Okay also luh.)

Norway - Karoline Olsen (Her skin is damn fair, I like her curly ends.)
Panama - Maricely Gonzalez (Okay, 1.She looks like Selena Gomez 2.What's with that outfit.)

Paraguay - Fiorella Migliore (Reminds me of Freja Beha, will she be the next?)

Peru - Giuliana Zevallos (Peru forever combining good traits from their citizens to have this kind of Megan Fox looking girls.)
Philippines - Queenierich Rehman (Whats with her name.)
Poland - Weronika Szmajdzinska (Another Avril Lavigne kinda girl!)
Portugal - Melanie Vincente (Actually right, she looks like those high school teenagers in America the popular section kids.)
Puerto Rico - Janelee Chaparro (Smile ley.)
Russia - Elizaveta Golovanova (Russia, wow. Simply, w.o.w.)
Scotland - Nicole Treacy (???)
Serbia - Bojana Lecic (She look like Brazilian kinda model.)
Seychelles - Sherlyn Ferneau (Church singer perhaps?)
Sierra Leone - Vanessa Williams (Omg STAY AWAY FROM ME, Frightening much?)
Singapore - Karisa Sukamto (The normal Singaporean girl look.)
Slovakia - Kristina Krajcirova (Okay __)
Slovenia - Nives Oresnik (Girl version of Andrec Pejic.)
South Africa - Remona Moodley (Too pale perhaps?)
South Sudan - Atong De Mach (That's the opposite of the precious one.)
Spain - Aranzazu Estevez (Can be jewellery model already lor.)
Sri Lanka - Sumudu Prasadini (I ask Karol stand in for you okay?)

St Kitts & Nevis - Markysa O'Loughlin (What is this kind of a joke?)
Suriname - Stefanie Grace Gentle (Cheeky smile uh.)

Tazania - Lisa Jensen (Okay, she is creepy, but classy.)
Thailand - Vanessa Herrmann (Confirm plastic surgery also.)
Trinidad & Tobago - Athaliah Samuel (Nice eye matches, you helping gay community also? Good for you!) :)

Turkey - Acalya Samyeli Danoglu (Just Beautiful.)
Uganda - Phiona Bizzu (What zhu?)
Ukraine - Karina Zhyronkina (wowowow, Now I want to be a Ukrainian, they have the most talented and beautiful people, namely Mila Kunis.)
United States of America - Claudine Book (Cute, Sweet, Innocent, Breathtaking look, nice touch with the bird. The kind of girl next door.)

Uruguay - Valentina Henderson (Okay la, but the look abit sian.)
Venezuela - Gabriella Ferrari (Taylor Swift, teardrops on my guitar. Right? I like this kind of look.)
Vietnam - Hu Ti Hoang (Vietnam surprised me.)
Wales - Sophie Moulds (Now I want to migrate to Wales to go stare at models.)
Zambia - Christine Mwaaba (what the hell did I just see...)

Zimbabwe - Bongani Diakama (there it is again...)
That's all! Byebye!
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