Tuesday, 25 December 2012

And the rest of the Italy trip PART 2

It has been a long time since you've heard from me, well, I would like to conclude my Italian experience rather thann telling you every single detail of what I had done there, it's more time saving that way. ;) The pictures have nothing to do with the words, I'm going to show you the group pictures ~

-In Italy, every 15minutes, you will see people kissing, well STOMP doesn't exist in the Italian shadows right?

-Yes, gays and lesbians are very widely accepted, no one will stop and stare at you if you're 'doing things', you'll probably get STOMPed in Singapore.

-Bus systems are different, no EZlink cards, obviously, pay per ride, ride per ticket.

-They get 4 Seasons, we don't.

-Smoking is widely accepted there, it's like, teachers can smoke infront of students and the other way round too, incredible, but the air is, smokish.

-Grafitti is widely accepted.

-Programmes in the TV would consist of Italian channels, and only 1 english channel which is CNN.

-Scenery consists of Mountains, more mountains, monuments. just wow.

-Having Bread every single day for breakfast is not very, I am literally sick of eating bread.

-3 course meals for lunch and dinner anyone? :P

-Drinks consists of water placed in wine bottles, house wine and coke.

-No chilli sauce or self-servicing condiments in McDonalds, want ketchup or mayo? Please play.

-Pay for use of public toilets.

-Italians are very open, like VERY. First day there and I'm already seeing a naked body..

-Italian men are HOT. Girls too.

-They called their teachers Prof.

-They are super hospitable! Especially brothers and parents and aunts and uncles and cousins!

-Very family minded people, in just that week, I met Fede's aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.

-They love to go to bars, on Sunday, I went to the bar twice.

-The church is very different, traditional versus urbanized.

-Their priest was so friendly, came and talk to me, even though I was like an asian female stranger who played with a tolder boy during mass, laughing and drawing...

You can count me as a crazily obsessed girl, but I really miss Italy, I miss Fede, it has been going to a month since I met Fede and Friends. I love you all, you won't probably be reading this or understanding any word of it but, I miss Federica my short adorable Alessandro loving girl, Noemy my super pretty and talented ballerina, Mirco my cute Italian beloved whereby if I didn't have a boyfriend I would probably date him, Peppe this rich kid, Franceso the lovely brother who is just very helpful, Maria Rosaria the skinny ass blonde who is forever laughing at Fede's nose, Giorgia the girl with cute dimples, Gerogia the 10 year old who can speak fluent English and who went shopping with me we were like best buds, Francesca adorable little Italian babe whom I love.


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