I have not updated any shit since last thursday! I'm sorry for the absence guys, my new shitty laptop Vaio couldn't start up!I had to resort to using my old laptop, who surprisingly doesn't fail me now. So, last Friday was teacher's day celebration. I didn't attend school, I went to CBSS, or you could say, (chong boon sec school) or (cheebye sec school) or (chiobu sec school), but I think the second option is the best fit. Anyway, the whole performance was shit, the drama, omg, cannot make it anymore I swear. The rest was fine I guess? Who the hell planned it anyway. Should have went to my own school instead, the teachers sang Set Fire To The Rain and Fireworks. ): Anyway, I watched Step Up Revolution with Marcus after that.
Then on Saturday, went for music and played Call Me Maybe and the stupid We Are Young piano sheet music. Then after that went out with my parents to Bugis and watched Step Up Revolution with them. And went shopping! Treat my parents to Ice Cream! Then on Sunday, went to church and went out with my parents again! But guess what? Since that morning, I had the worst flu of my life! I used up more than 30 packets of tissue paper! I SWEAR. After church, went to Suntec to shop, with my nose running running running, then it started to fly, and I started to feel feverish. My nose the skin was peeling because the tissue was so rough! ):
Monday, didn't study at all, because when I took up maths to practice, my flu forced me to sneeze on my worksheets, and eventually irritated me, which gave me a severe headache. So I slept like the whole day. Then on Tuesday, stayed home the whole day, and then went for Italian tuition in the evening, meeting Enzo. This time, I learnt sentence structure and describing things using colours and adjectives. And I have Italian homework now! Getting harder and harder. Then on Wednesday....
Hanan, Jerry, Vais.
Vais and her cake I designed!
Jerry and I with cream on our noses.
Shells we collected.
Me, Vais and Jerry. (Stolen from Jerry's blog.)
I WAS SUPPOSED TO ATTEND SCHOOL FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING BUT I OVERSLEPT. It started at 9am, and I woke up at 8.30am. Ya, how the hell am I suppose to travel from Ang Mo Kio to Bukit Batok in half and hour, minus changing time, brush teeth, wash face, pack clothes for the later part and shits? So I changed my mind, and stayed home. Then went out with buy Vais's birthday cake from Icing Room, the only place I could buy an Elmo Cake. WHICH I DREW THE ELMO MYSELF. Because Polar and Bengawan don't sell it anymore. ): Then met Jerry at yio chu kang mrt, then took taxi to ECP to meet Hanan. It was fun, we cycled! And as usual, I was the last. It could be because I have fat thighs. ):
Then on Thursday, I told my parents to wake me up for leadership training in school. So I went, I had to act sick, so Mr Idris would believe me, I drew lipstick on my nose and rubbed it so it would look red, then I put some lipstick on my eyes below to make it look reddish and teary. Then puffed up my face with pale powder! IM A GENIUS. Then after the training went to Holland V to have Thai Express with Rach, QY and Sally. We were bitching alot. hahahaha! :/ Then I went to Bishan Park to meet Kwang, and his friends to study at the Macs thr, so peaceful!
Kwang and Jaeyeob.
After studying a few hours, we went to walk. Kwang, Jaeyeob, Maurice and Devan were playing on the spinning thing at the play ground, hahaha! While Sam and I just watched! After we play the swing and stuff, we went back to Macs, and Kwang sent me to the bus stop. :D I still think Kwang's cute. Then on Friday, just stayed home the whole day and watch Jane By Design!
Jane By Deisgn
Los Hombres De Paco.
Pepa and Silvia: (sadly, Silvia died on their wedding day.) DAMN DEPRESSING!!!!

I want to cry. ):
Jane By Design is such an awsome show! AND FUCKYEA, MERLIN IS COMING BACK! Here is my collection of shows that I've watched: Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries, Awkward, Baby Daddy, Merlin, New Girl, Ugly Betty, Glee, ANTM, Jane By Design, Suburgatory, White Collar, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Pretty Little Liars, Big Bang Theory, Secret Circle, 2 Broke Girls, what else have I missed? :D yes I just caught up with Los Hombres de Paco (PEPA AND SILVIA, LESB LOVE STORY, FUCKYEA.)
And I watched The MTV Video Music Awards 2012. I tell you, one day, i'll be there watching it live. Then YAY ONE DIRECTION BEAT JUSTIN BIEBER, HAH IN YOUR FACE BIEBER. ONE DIRECTION WON 2 MOONMANS! And where is Kristen Stewart?? And Lady Gaga was watching it at home and said that Taylor Swift was cute! Taylor Swift's performance of WANGBT, was so great! But sadly the video of the year is We Found Love, Rihanna, tsk.
Today, skipped music and went to Gardens By The Bay with Marcus! It was beautiful! But the tickets are ex. We ate Texas Chicken! And there were so much tourists!!Then we went to MBS Shopping Centre to walk walk, that's about it! So goodbye! :) BTW I BECAME FAT. I AM FOREVER TEAM PEPA X SILVIA. I don't care if you judge me, I'm here to find my Silvia. xoxo, Pepa. (Okay, I seriously think Pepa is hot.)
even in death. )':
Before they were together:
they brushed their hands against each other!
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