Stuff I hate. Talking about things I hate is, difficult, cause there's just so much.
I hate people who put ketchup on hotdogs. I swear, that makes me, it's just like, the hatred I feel.
Girls who wear skirts over their jeans, what do I feel when I see that? Here's a hint, HATRED. You listening girl? Wear a skirt or wear jeans, but if you wear them simultaneously, whatever go for it, as long as you don't mind me hating you.
I hate it, when I go to someone's house and their dog jumps all over me and the owner says, ''oh it's okay he's friendly'', guess what? IM NOT, GET YOUR FUCKING DOG OFF ME.
When I'm in a restaurant, and I'm like finished eating my dinner, and the waiter brings me my desert before he clears the dirty dinner dishes, I HATE THAT. When I'm about to eat a piece of cake, I don't wanna stare at the bones of a dead chicken I just ate, fair enough? yea.

I hate people who complain when I chew ice. Does it bug you? GOOD.
I hate it when I'm out with some dude on a date or whatever, and he looks into my eyes and says, ''Can I kiss you?'', DON'T DO THAT. A real guy doesn't say, ''Can I kiss you.'', if the time feels right, just kiss me, or don't. If you're not sure, then go turn on some music or make me a sandwich. But don't ask me if you can kiss me, I HATE THAT.
Guess what? NOW I HATE BIRTHDAY PARTIES. WHY? Cause I realized, every year, we get older, means we're one year closer to dying okay? I don't need a party to celebrate the fact that I'm one year closer to never breathing again. WOO, HERE COMES DEATH. Fuckyou birthdays. So yea, no thanks.
I hate the fact that Santa Claus won't join the gym and loose some weight already. HEY SANTA, YOU SEEM LIKE A GOOD GUY, BUT HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT YOUR PANTS ARE ENORMOUS? WHAT UP WITH THAT? I swear dasher and dancer are gonna have little reindeer heart attacks, trying to pull your flab all over the world.

I hate twins okay, I like people who are original. I hate people who copy other people so, if you have an identical twin, congratulations, your entire self if just a rip off of someone else. Feel good? Hope not.
I hate aloe vera, you know that useless gel you buy at drug stores that are supposed to do whatever, but it doesn't really do anything at all? YA, THANK YOU TUBE OF STICKY GOO THAT DOES NOTHING.
I hate girls who laugh like, I can't even bring myself to describe.
I HATE MILK. Wanna know why? Cause when I'm thirsty, I don't want a glass of liquid that some filty farmer squeezed out of his cow. You hear that farmer Bill? You can keep your cow juice cause I hate it.
I Love the sound of Scissors.

I Love Dinosaurs, they reign terror on the first creatures of the earth.
This post is over, does it make you sad? I love that.
Oh and if you don't find my blog interesting enough, then write a letter or send me an email to complain at, and then hold your breath till I reply.
Love Jade West.
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