New Year New Blog:
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012
And the Summary of 2012
Ciao everyone. This year has been great. Many new experiences for me and I know that I have changed alot as compared to last year. It has been a pleasure. I've read my blogs, all the past post, I have to say, I can't believe I have gone through the entire year in one piece! :) Many things had happened this year that are wonderful, some of the memories I could recall would be (well, I will write them below), even though some things are small, I cherish them.
It seems like just yesterday,1 Jan, when Stefi said she had an emergency, and I rushed down to meet her at Serangoon gardens, we just had frolick and played with her neighbour's dog, chit chat about eyecandies. And then, still in January, I was working in NTUC Income having lunch with Zhengkang, Roydon and another guy. Yes, that job was a bore. Went to Ngee Ann Poly open house with Jia Han to support his friend in a dance compeition, yes that was the day I first met Sarah Putri!

I had gotten my O Level Results and it was bad, I was so disappointed with myself, I mean it could have been worse though. And I had decided to go to Millennia Institute, all these were choices I made that gave me today. And I kept eating buffets with Roydon! Still in January went to play tennis, like finally!! It was at Lingesh's house! Played with Roydon, Lingesh, Rachel and Saranya. And I remember how crazy I was about Andrea Casirigi the Prince of Monaco, though I want a Grimaldi, but he is old. ):

I went to make a video for Jia Han: my tradition, hahaha! And on Chinese New Year I was so sad because my grandma was bias and gave my brother more money, so unfair right? Somemore I treat her so good and my brother did nothing. Jan 24, I GOT MY MICHAEL KORS WATCH! I still love that watch. On 27 Jan, had a last minute decision to go USS with Roydon because we keep seeing the Transformers advertisement and it tempted us so badly. On 28 Jan, had bowling and a good dinner with my cousins at serangoon gardens country club. Went to Jia Han's birthday party, I didn't know much people though only Justin, Clara and Jiahan. And then I made new friends which were Jo jie, Xin Yee and Hengsheng. :)

And the day came for school to start, Orientation, I was in group Athenian 3! My first friend was Savitha, and then the second person I spoke to was Hanan because of Savitha, and then Jerry! And then Sheryl and the other girls that were in the same group. Orientation was so-so, I just don't like to play those group game, at least we won everyone. I wrote a letter to a penpal in Japan though, named Momoko Kinjo, she wasn't pretty. ): I was learning French again, Bonjour Je suis Enchantee. I remember, in Feb went to City hall to eat Swensens with Jerry and Savitha. On Feb 9, I went for council interview and had fever at the same time! And I went for photoshoot with Reuben, it was fun!

Finally lesson could start and I went into my new class, 12B1. Didn't know that many people would leave and transfer out. On Valentine's day, my friends and I exchanged gifts and cards, so sweet! And my parents bought my brother and I a Valentine's cake from Awfully Chocolate! It was time to choose the country for M.I World, and I chose Italy as 1st choice and Denmark as 2nd. And I hd my first sports council meeting. I was dreaming about going Italy during my O Levels, didn't think I'd get an oppurtunity, if I would even make it through the shortlisting and interviews.
Went to East Coast Park with JiaHan, Chunji and Hengsheng, I was supposed to go out Jerry, Savitha the whole clique but they cancelled. Bleh. And still in Feb, Bervyn became my boyfriend, big mistake, I didn't like him. Went for a free movie at Lido with mum to catch Man On A Ledge, great movie! On Feb 29, went to Jia Han's house to learn cooking with him and Hengsheng, fun experience, we cooked fried rice, minced pork, sotong, vege. Delicious, we took the recipe from the book I bought for Jia Han. PE was still a killer. Had a class otuing during the March Holidays, it didn't seem like a class outing at first but then everyone started to come to Cineleisure.

Got my birks in March! I joined the dance for Sports Day, for my house, Onyx! We kept having practices throughout the March holidays. I kept meeting Douglas in the morning before school because we were forever early, people thought we were together. Had M.I Mart meeting at Jurong point with my group + Rachel we ate long john silvers! Went to MBS on Sunday it was Gabriel's room, had fun talking and I remember Qian Ying kept crying. And I passed my first A Level maths test! Sports Day was tiring because I had to coordinate the runners into positions, yes I was in Sports Council...After Sports Day, Douglas, Gabriel and I went to Sentosa to overnight there. Jerry pangseh us sia.

We became best of friends and Vais is nowhere to be seen in the picture, we went for breaks together and kept eating Pastamania after school. I got my new Vaio Laptop in April! It is so gorgeous and I am still using it now! Had CIP Day, went to HDB houses to collect News Papers and Bottles and stuff. April 10, went to Abigail's house to do tie dying of bags, it went great the designs were nice! On Apr 14, had M.I Mart in school, also known as Flea Market in School, we had great sales! :D

This was our Flyer! On that week's friday, went to have mac at drivethru with Clara and Marcus, and then after that we went home. I went to bathe and went to Clara's house to see Jelly! Jo Jie photoshopped my hair to green and purple! Had Ice Skating with Jerry and Hanan, Vais didn't go because she burned her hand. And then had karaoke. Still in April, I was shortlisted for the Italy trip thanks to Reuben! :D

Yes and I didn't even know who were those people on the list at all. But I was so happy was I short listed and selected after the interview! Italy here I come on 25 Nov! Nat the Cafe manager had a crush on me or something. And the series of Vais sisters came to life. And then the picture of Ma Yi Ling came to my notice. On 28 April (my father's birthday), I had another M.I MART, selling our bags in Jurong East, we made a loss. ): Hanan and I went to eat Pizzahut, cheese pizza, delicious! Went to the Zoo with uncle Roberto and uncle John, and my parents were like match making me with uncle John's song. They were Italians so I didn't mind. ^^
By May, Marcus was so in love with me that I was so pissed because he kept asking me where I was and stuff, I mean come on, I don't have to report to you. In May, went to watch a soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium don't know where the hell was that, Hanan and I went home together after the match as Vais left early and Jerry went with someone else, the match was funny because they were so many fat people running. 12 May, had institute Day, had to wear those ridiculous long sleeves with black formal shoes. ): And it was time for NAPHA TEST, though I cheated through many of the stations, I finally passed my 2.4 with 5 rounds! In sec school, even with 4 rounds I would not be able to pass.

Went to Marcus Birthday party and met up with my Secondary school friends, it was fun. So my school was hosting the PRE-U Seminar 2012, so as councillors we had to 'volunteer' ourselves, so went to NTU for rehearsals and I almost got hit by a car, Jerry and I got lost while looking for McDonalds. School holidays started, on 30 May went out with Jerry, Sheryl, Rachel and QY to central orchard and after that I met Sarah she was so sad because of Jen. ): On 31 May, Marcus brought me to Lady Gaga concert, I was so mad happy! Mother Monster rocks!

Yes I love Gaga concerts! Anyway, I went to the National Vertical Marathon not to participate but to support Sarah! Marcus took me on a date to Clarke Quay for dinner, my birthday treat, we had mexican food which was delicious! The next thing was The 30 Hours Famine Camp, it sucks like shit, you can't eat anything or even bathe! But I sure did make many new friends. I attended it with Abigail! And somemore it was my birthday when I had the camp, worst birthday ever or what.. Went to Roydon's brother's 1st month at Naked Fish, I love Rayden!

On 13 June, went to USS with my girls, Hanan, Vais and Jerry, Hanan didn't dare take the roller coasters but she did it and never will again! I spent the June Holidays studying for Promotional Exams 1, it was quite horrible. ): I hate studying. And then I had my exams right after the holidays.. On 27 June, even though our exams were not over, Hanan, Jerry, Vais and I went to the Science Centre, free of charge! On 2 July as we didn't have school on that day, we went Ice Skating and karaoke! This time, with Vais! Finally went to Ice Chef to visit Clara, with Marcus but sadly, only Sai Hon was there.

On July 13 was Be Yourself Day! And obviously I think I wore the opposite of that, I became an IJ girl. On July 14, I went filming for Reuben's school project with Amanda and another guy at Marcus's house! On Racial Harmony Day, Vais lent me her indian costume, I wanted to dress as a terrorist though, but aiya nevermind. And then I started on my CIP with this gay teacher at Fei Yue Community Centre, it was so-so, can get points good rdy! I was on duty for parent-teacher meeting, yes this is one of the sucky parts of being a councillor... And then I started on Econs tuition because I was failing that stupid subject, I was seeking help from Dan Ying and Roydon! And I started on my Italian tuition, and made friends with Enzo! :D

On 7 August, had a 'class' steamboat gathering, we ate so so so much! On National Day Eve, I had council duties, I was the Vice Principal's escort, ofcourse the lady one, she was kinda hot though. On National Day, I went to USS with Marcus, okay that was like the 3rd time I went this year!! And I went to experience and typhoon and went to a Maritime musuem! On 24 August was the Fold Fish event thingy, we folded like 77000 plus fishes, the whole school. Hanan and I went to Bishan park to play swing! And I kept prank calling people, it was so fun! I think I said the word 'fun' many times already. We celebrated Jerry's 17th Birthday in School, it was a surprise for her! On 29 August went to Hanan's hosue to eat sambal sotong, yummy much!!!!

It was Vais's birthday and we celebrated it in East Coast Park! I couldn't find any Elmo Cake so I designed one in Icing Room. Genius or what! Not very genius because I forgot it wasn't Halal so Hanan couldn't eat it. :/ I had leader training for council and after that went to have Thai Express at Holland V with Rachel, QY and Sally. Again making new friends. After that, I went to Bishan Park to meet Kwang to study for Promo 2! With his friends! On 12 September, after school I went to see the Royalties with Rachel and QY! AS I SAW KATE MIDDLETON AND PRINCE WILLIAM at Queenstown! There were many many people! And QY went to the hospital on that day for falling..

The next day, I was crazy as fuck, I skipped school to go to Kranji War memorial to see the Duke and Duchess, couldn't get enough of them! I went there super early and got to be in the front row up close to them! And then Kwang, Jaeyeob, and the 2 Sarahs came to see too! On Sep 17, my best friends gave me a new bag, for a belated birthday present, they wrote so many paper cards, I was so touched. Went to the zoo like one week before exams, if wasn't planned. ): Went to the Botanical Gardens with Jerry and Hanan and didn't plan it too.. And then Ii was studying like mad because I wanted to Promote, stay in Council and go to Italy! badly! So I started to seek for desperate help, from Dan Ying again, to Adelyn, to Roydon, to Mdm Ong, to Mrs Pow, it was crazy, I kept skipping classes to meet the teachers.

Nearing exam, I went to Macs with Dy, Mh, Je, Jb, Ginger, Liling and Abigail at Choa Chu Kang because the BB Macs was full! And then I started designing shirts for MI New PE shirt! Hope they choose my design! I was studying Econs like mad because it was the only subject that determines my promotion status! Promos 2 finally came! And after the maths paper I went to see Jeff with Marcus at Bishan! And, I got my new phone, IPHONE 5, I WAS SO HAPPY! After that, went to USS with Danying, Li Ling, Minghui, QY, Nicolas, Jiabao, Jiaen, Ginger, Umar, Irshad. On 11 Oct, we didn't have school and Jerry came to my house for a sleepover because she was sad!

And I started bringing my laptop to class to play Audition with Danying and Minghui, and many people joined as well! It wa so fun! I think I play until siao again and it all started with Dan Ying texting me: "want to play audi?". And I got Promoted to PRE-U 2! I was so happy that I did well for my exams! Which meant that I could go to Italy! I went to get my Doc Marts for my Italy trip with my parents. Went to Ice Skating with Danying and gang at JCUBE! Went for Demi's birthday at Sentosa with Kwang, and got sunburned. On that day, kwang asked me to be his girlfriend! :D I made some new friends at the beach!

Had my Italy trip briefing and I was so excited as Sheralyn and Abi were coming too, hey, thanks to me right. :) We had this leadership camp, had this stupid amazing race that made us walk for so long around town in uniform!! I got posted to NEC! :) After the camp ended, rushed to Lakeside to Minghui's new house for her house warming party! :D The whole gang was there! And it was in the holidays, so I started going to the gym with Roydon and ran so many rounds for 2 hours! Crazy right! Then after that went to naked fish as Roydon wanted to practice his PW presentation, it was good.

On November 6 had to go to school for MOB class, I had breakfast with Jiabao, Danying and Hanan, not many people came though. I went to watch 007 with my bf! All those awesome memories, still more to come! :D I started to work already and it was horrible, I worked in Mel's Drive In at USS, being busser was horrible enough, but then they promoted me to become a cashier which is actually worse!!! On 10 Nov, I went to Genting with my Family, we played all the rides there sadly I had cramps. ): So it wasn't enjoyable! But I love the buffets and the family time! Ohyes, I forgot about my other job! I worked as an Invigilator for extra income! Still in November, I went to my cousin's son 1st birthday! So cute the babies!

And then we had this facebook group so the italians and the singaporeans can connect! And then this girl named Federica came to talk to me, out of the blue! Making new friends on facebook! And then after talking for sometime, I really wanted Federica to be my buddy! And Mr Ernesto made her my buddy! WOO! Things were going well! So I went to learn this song called Cercavo Amore for Federica! And then the day finally came to go to Italy! After the trip I can officially say that I am obsessed with Italy and the Italians.

I went to so many places of interest there that I didn't want to leave at all! Made so many new Italian friends and I even like this Italian guy, but I couldn't because I have a boyfriend! And you know those people who were shortlisted for the trip? We became very close friends! Especially Kimberley, Ray and Tyler! And I got to know Sheralyn better in person, she is so friendly and hyper ! When I came back, I went to Adventure Cove for the first time ! Attended parties in USS. I really love this year, so much fun! This will be a tough year to beat! :D
It seems like just yesterday,1 Jan, when Stefi said she had an emergency, and I rushed down to meet her at Serangoon gardens, we just had frolick and played with her neighbour's dog, chit chat about eyecandies. And then, still in January, I was working in NTUC Income having lunch with Zhengkang, Roydon and another guy. Yes, that job was a bore. Went to Ngee Ann Poly open house with Jia Han to support his friend in a dance compeition, yes that was the day I first met Sarah Putri!
I had gotten my O Level Results and it was bad, I was so disappointed with myself, I mean it could have been worse though. And I had decided to go to Millennia Institute, all these were choices I made that gave me today. And I kept eating buffets with Roydon! Still in January went to play tennis, like finally!! It was at Lingesh's house! Played with Roydon, Lingesh, Rachel and Saranya. And I remember how crazy I was about Andrea Casirigi the Prince of Monaco, though I want a Grimaldi, but he is old. ):
I went to make a video for Jia Han: my tradition, hahaha! And on Chinese New Year I was so sad because my grandma was bias and gave my brother more money, so unfair right? Somemore I treat her so good and my brother did nothing. Jan 24, I GOT MY MICHAEL KORS WATCH! I still love that watch. On 27 Jan, had a last minute decision to go USS with Roydon because we keep seeing the Transformers advertisement and it tempted us so badly. On 28 Jan, had bowling and a good dinner with my cousins at serangoon gardens country club. Went to Jia Han's birthday party, I didn't know much people though only Justin, Clara and Jiahan. And then I made new friends which were Jo jie, Xin Yee and Hengsheng. :)

And the day came for school to start, Orientation, I was in group Athenian 3! My first friend was Savitha, and then the second person I spoke to was Hanan because of Savitha, and then Jerry! And then Sheryl and the other girls that were in the same group. Orientation was so-so, I just don't like to play those group game, at least we won everyone. I wrote a letter to a penpal in Japan though, named Momoko Kinjo, she wasn't pretty. ): I was learning French again, Bonjour Je suis Enchantee. I remember, in Feb went to City hall to eat Swensens with Jerry and Savitha. On Feb 9, I went for council interview and had fever at the same time! And I went for photoshoot with Reuben, it was fun!
Finally lesson could start and I went into my new class, 12B1. Didn't know that many people would leave and transfer out. On Valentine's day, my friends and I exchanged gifts and cards, so sweet! And my parents bought my brother and I a Valentine's cake from Awfully Chocolate! It was time to choose the country for M.I World, and I chose Italy as 1st choice and Denmark as 2nd. And I hd my first sports council meeting. I was dreaming about going Italy during my O Levels, didn't think I'd get an oppurtunity, if I would even make it through the shortlisting and interviews.
Went to East Coast Park with JiaHan, Chunji and Hengsheng, I was supposed to go out Jerry, Savitha the whole clique but they cancelled. Bleh. And still in Feb, Bervyn became my boyfriend, big mistake, I didn't like him. Went for a free movie at Lido with mum to catch Man On A Ledge, great movie! On Feb 29, went to Jia Han's house to learn cooking with him and Hengsheng, fun experience, we cooked fried rice, minced pork, sotong, vege. Delicious, we took the recipe from the book I bought for Jia Han. PE was still a killer. Had a class otuing during the March Holidays, it didn't seem like a class outing at first but then everyone started to come to Cineleisure.
Got my birks in March! I joined the dance for Sports Day, for my house, Onyx! We kept having practices throughout the March holidays. I kept meeting Douglas in the morning before school because we were forever early, people thought we were together. Had M.I Mart meeting at Jurong point with my group + Rachel we ate long john silvers! Went to MBS on Sunday it was Gabriel's room, had fun talking and I remember Qian Ying kept crying. And I passed my first A Level maths test! Sports Day was tiring because I had to coordinate the runners into positions, yes I was in Sports Council...After Sports Day, Douglas, Gabriel and I went to Sentosa to overnight there. Jerry pangseh us sia.
We became best of friends and Vais is nowhere to be seen in the picture, we went for breaks together and kept eating Pastamania after school. I got my new Vaio Laptop in April! It is so gorgeous and I am still using it now! Had CIP Day, went to HDB houses to collect News Papers and Bottles and stuff. April 10, went to Abigail's house to do tie dying of bags, it went great the designs were nice! On Apr 14, had M.I Mart in school, also known as Flea Market in School, we had great sales! :D

This was our Flyer! On that week's friday, went to have mac at drivethru with Clara and Marcus, and then after that we went home. I went to bathe and went to Clara's house to see Jelly! Jo Jie photoshopped my hair to green and purple! Had Ice Skating with Jerry and Hanan, Vais didn't go because she burned her hand. And then had karaoke. Still in April, I was shortlisted for the Italy trip thanks to Reuben! :D
Yes and I didn't even know who were those people on the list at all. But I was so happy was I short listed and selected after the interview! Italy here I come on 25 Nov! Nat the Cafe manager had a crush on me or something. And the series of Vais sisters came to life. And then the picture of Ma Yi Ling came to my notice. On 28 April (my father's birthday), I had another M.I MART, selling our bags in Jurong East, we made a loss. ): Hanan and I went to eat Pizzahut, cheese pizza, delicious! Went to the Zoo with uncle Roberto and uncle John, and my parents were like match making me with uncle John's song. They were Italians so I didn't mind. ^^
By May, Marcus was so in love with me that I was so pissed because he kept asking me where I was and stuff, I mean come on, I don't have to report to you. In May, went to watch a soccer match at Jalan Besar Stadium don't know where the hell was that, Hanan and I went home together after the match as Vais left early and Jerry went with someone else, the match was funny because they were so many fat people running. 12 May, had institute Day, had to wear those ridiculous long sleeves with black formal shoes. ): And it was time for NAPHA TEST, though I cheated through many of the stations, I finally passed my 2.4 with 5 rounds! In sec school, even with 4 rounds I would not be able to pass.
Went to Marcus Birthday party and met up with my Secondary school friends, it was fun. So my school was hosting the PRE-U Seminar 2012, so as councillors we had to 'volunteer' ourselves, so went to NTU for rehearsals and I almost got hit by a car, Jerry and I got lost while looking for McDonalds. School holidays started, on 30 May went out with Jerry, Sheryl, Rachel and QY to central orchard and after that I met Sarah she was so sad because of Jen. ): On 31 May, Marcus brought me to Lady Gaga concert, I was so mad happy! Mother Monster rocks!
Yes I love Gaga concerts! Anyway, I went to the National Vertical Marathon not to participate but to support Sarah! Marcus took me on a date to Clarke Quay for dinner, my birthday treat, we had mexican food which was delicious! The next thing was The 30 Hours Famine Camp, it sucks like shit, you can't eat anything or even bathe! But I sure did make many new friends. I attended it with Abigail! And somemore it was my birthday when I had the camp, worst birthday ever or what.. Went to Roydon's brother's 1st month at Naked Fish, I love Rayden!
On 13 June, went to USS with my girls, Hanan, Vais and Jerry, Hanan didn't dare take the roller coasters but she did it and never will again! I spent the June Holidays studying for Promotional Exams 1, it was quite horrible. ): I hate studying. And then I had my exams right after the holidays.. On 27 June, even though our exams were not over, Hanan, Jerry, Vais and I went to the Science Centre, free of charge! On 2 July as we didn't have school on that day, we went Ice Skating and karaoke! This time, with Vais! Finally went to Ice Chef to visit Clara, with Marcus but sadly, only Sai Hon was there.
On July 13 was Be Yourself Day! And obviously I think I wore the opposite of that, I became an IJ girl. On July 14, I went filming for Reuben's school project with Amanda and another guy at Marcus's house! On Racial Harmony Day, Vais lent me her indian costume, I wanted to dress as a terrorist though, but aiya nevermind. And then I started on my CIP with this gay teacher at Fei Yue Community Centre, it was so-so, can get points good rdy! I was on duty for parent-teacher meeting, yes this is one of the sucky parts of being a councillor... And then I started on Econs tuition because I was failing that stupid subject, I was seeking help from Dan Ying and Roydon! And I started on my Italian tuition, and made friends with Enzo! :D
On 7 August, had a 'class' steamboat gathering, we ate so so so much! On National Day Eve, I had council duties, I was the Vice Principal's escort, ofcourse the lady one, she was kinda hot though. On National Day, I went to USS with Marcus, okay that was like the 3rd time I went this year!! And I went to experience and typhoon and went to a Maritime musuem! On 24 August was the Fold Fish event thingy, we folded like 77000 plus fishes, the whole school. Hanan and I went to Bishan park to play swing! And I kept prank calling people, it was so fun! I think I said the word 'fun' many times already. We celebrated Jerry's 17th Birthday in School, it was a surprise for her! On 29 August went to Hanan's hosue to eat sambal sotong, yummy much!!!!
It was Vais's birthday and we celebrated it in East Coast Park! I couldn't find any Elmo Cake so I designed one in Icing Room. Genius or what! Not very genius because I forgot it wasn't Halal so Hanan couldn't eat it. :/ I had leader training for council and after that went to have Thai Express at Holland V with Rachel, QY and Sally. Again making new friends. After that, I went to Bishan Park to meet Kwang to study for Promo 2! With his friends! On 12 September, after school I went to see the Royalties with Rachel and QY! AS I SAW KATE MIDDLETON AND PRINCE WILLIAM at Queenstown! There were many many people! And QY went to the hospital on that day for falling..
The next day, I was crazy as fuck, I skipped school to go to Kranji War memorial to see the Duke and Duchess, couldn't get enough of them! I went there super early and got to be in the front row up close to them! And then Kwang, Jaeyeob, and the 2 Sarahs came to see too! On Sep 17, my best friends gave me a new bag, for a belated birthday present, they wrote so many paper cards, I was so touched. Went to the zoo like one week before exams, if wasn't planned. ): Went to the Botanical Gardens with Jerry and Hanan and didn't plan it too.. And then Ii was studying like mad because I wanted to Promote, stay in Council and go to Italy! badly! So I started to seek for desperate help, from Dan Ying again, to Adelyn, to Roydon, to Mdm Ong, to Mrs Pow, it was crazy, I kept skipping classes to meet the teachers.

Nearing exam, I went to Macs with Dy, Mh, Je, Jb, Ginger, Liling and Abigail at Choa Chu Kang because the BB Macs was full! And then I started designing shirts for MI New PE shirt! Hope they choose my design! I was studying Econs like mad because it was the only subject that determines my promotion status! Promos 2 finally came! And after the maths paper I went to see Jeff with Marcus at Bishan! And, I got my new phone, IPHONE 5, I WAS SO HAPPY! After that, went to USS with Danying, Li Ling, Minghui, QY, Nicolas, Jiabao, Jiaen, Ginger, Umar, Irshad. On 11 Oct, we didn't have school and Jerry came to my house for a sleepover because she was sad!

And I started bringing my laptop to class to play Audition with Danying and Minghui, and many people joined as well! It wa so fun! I think I play until siao again and it all started with Dan Ying texting me: "want to play audi?". And I got Promoted to PRE-U 2! I was so happy that I did well for my exams! Which meant that I could go to Italy! I went to get my Doc Marts for my Italy trip with my parents. Went to Ice Skating with Danying and gang at JCUBE! Went for Demi's birthday at Sentosa with Kwang, and got sunburned. On that day, kwang asked me to be his girlfriend! :D I made some new friends at the beach!

Had my Italy trip briefing and I was so excited as Sheralyn and Abi were coming too, hey, thanks to me right. :) We had this leadership camp, had this stupid amazing race that made us walk for so long around town in uniform!! I got posted to NEC! :) After the camp ended, rushed to Lakeside to Minghui's new house for her house warming party! :D The whole gang was there! And it was in the holidays, so I started going to the gym with Roydon and ran so many rounds for 2 hours! Crazy right! Then after that went to naked fish as Roydon wanted to practice his PW presentation, it was good.
On November 6 had to go to school for MOB class, I had breakfast with Jiabao, Danying and Hanan, not many people came though. I went to watch 007 with my bf! All those awesome memories, still more to come! :D I started to work already and it was horrible, I worked in Mel's Drive In at USS, being busser was horrible enough, but then they promoted me to become a cashier which is actually worse!!! On 10 Nov, I went to Genting with my Family, we played all the rides there sadly I had cramps. ): So it wasn't enjoyable! But I love the buffets and the family time! Ohyes, I forgot about my other job! I worked as an Invigilator for extra income! Still in November, I went to my cousin's son 1st birthday! So cute the babies!

And then we had this facebook group so the italians and the singaporeans can connect! And then this girl named Federica came to talk to me, out of the blue! Making new friends on facebook! And then after talking for sometime, I really wanted Federica to be my buddy! And Mr Ernesto made her my buddy! WOO! Things were going well! So I went to learn this song called Cercavo Amore for Federica! And then the day finally came to go to Italy! After the trip I can officially say that I am obsessed with Italy and the Italians.
I went to so many places of interest there that I didn't want to leave at all! Made so many new Italian friends and I even like this Italian guy, but I couldn't because I have a boyfriend! And you know those people who were shortlisted for the trip? We became very close friends! Especially Kimberley, Ray and Tyler! And I got to know Sheralyn better in person, she is so friendly and hyper ! When I came back, I went to Adventure Cove for the first time ! Attended parties in USS. I really love this year, so much fun! This will be a tough year to beat! :D
Saturday, 29 December 2012
And the Thankings.
Yesterday morning around 8.30am, Kwang came to my void deck to pass me presents, he gave me a new bag and a tortise that could make lights! so thoughtful! :) Then after that we went to ion orchard to do some shopping! I bought 2 shorts and a stop, nothing much actually. But it was fun! Then I went to church! Today morning woke up super early just to recieve a Good Progress Award from my MP! Looks like I have done well for my exams! Here are the people I have to thank!
1. God! Thank you so much for providing me with wisdom!
2. Roydon! Thank you so much for helping me in Econs!
3. Adelyn! Thank you so much for teaching me last minute Econs, it made me pass that subject with good results! :)
4. Dan Ying! Thank you for helping me with POA, and discussing questions about Econs really spurred my thinking.
5. Jia En! Thank you for letting me copy your chinese listening. :/ It sure helped me pull of my chinese grade!
6. Kwang! Thank you for studying with me, finding a condusive environment for me to study at!
7. Yun Xin! Thank you for help in POA!
8. My parents, thank you for providing me with Econs tuition too!
Yes, that is about it, going to naked fish later to eat! Ciao! I love you all. Muah.
Friday, 28 December 2012
And the life back to reality.
I miss those times. ):
My two favourite Italian guys.
Okay, after the trip, lets dive into my normal life. ): So I arrived in Singapore on the 4th. I was staying at home most of the time, nothing much like a stay home weekday, jetlagged all the way! And I started work the following Tuesday. And then Rachel an Jerry were working there already, the funny thing was, we had break together with QY too! All the classmates having break together. hahaha. Anyway, in the morning on the way to work, Kwang would ride the bus with me. :) One of the days, he was concentrating on his phone that he did not look out for my bus. D:<
I miss you Peppe.
I miss you Mirco.
On that Monday, (the day before I went to work), went to Adventure Cove with Kwang, Jaeyeob and Sarah! And then had dinner at astons with him. :) Fun fun fun! The tsunami was awesome, better than wild wild wet! I forgot what other stuff I did after that on the following week but on 18th, it was Hanan's birthday, but then Vais was out of town so, booooo! ): Anyway, I went for steamboat with Danying and gang. So happy, because of the gathering and the food, yumyum. After that, went for my Italia tuition with Enzo!
I really miss you all, thanks for the great memories! Maria Rosaria, Giorgia, Noemi.
You know what? Dy, mh, jb, je, ginger, liling waited for me at coffee bean. So good! Okay, that's about it.. And on Christmas eve was fun, Christmas was fun too, blablabla. Fuck I forgot everything! Okay bye now!
I mis syou Fede.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
And the rest of the Italy trip PART 2
It has been a long time since you've heard from me, well, I would like to conclude my Italian experience rather thann telling you every single detail of what I had done there, it's more time saving that way. ;) The pictures have nothing to do with the words, I'm going to show you the group pictures ~
-In Italy, every 15minutes, you will see people kissing, well STOMP doesn't exist in the Italian shadows right?
-Yes, gays and lesbians are very widely accepted, no one will stop and stare at you if you're 'doing things', you'll probably get STOMPed in Singapore.
-Bus systems are different, no EZlink cards, obviously, pay per ride, ride per ticket.
-They get 4 Seasons, we don't.
-Smoking is widely accepted there, it's like, teachers can smoke infront of students and the other way round too, incredible, but the air is, smokish.
-Grafitti is widely accepted.
-Programmes in the TV would consist of Italian channels, and only 1 english channel which is CNN.
-Scenery consists of Mountains, more mountains, monuments. just wow.
-Having Bread every single day for breakfast is not very, I am literally sick of eating bread.
-3 course meals for lunch and dinner anyone? :P
-Drinks consists of water placed in wine bottles, house wine and coke.
-No chilli sauce or self-servicing condiments in McDonalds, want ketchup or mayo? Please play.
-Pay for use of public toilets.
-Italians are very open, like VERY. First day there and I'm already seeing a naked body..
-Italian men are HOT. Girls too.
-They called their teachers Prof.
-They are super hospitable! Especially brothers and parents and aunts and uncles and cousins!
-Very family minded people, in just that week, I met Fede's aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.
-They love to go to bars, on Sunday, I went to the bar twice.
-The church is very different, traditional versus urbanized.
-Their priest was so friendly, came and talk to me, even though I was like an asian female stranger who played with a tolder boy during mass, laughing and drawing...
You can count me as a crazily obsessed girl, but I really miss Italy, I miss Fede, it has been going to a month since I met Fede and Friends. I love you all, you won't probably be reading this or understanding any word of it but, I miss Federica my short adorable Alessandro loving girl, Noemy my super pretty and talented ballerina, Mirco my cute Italian beloved whereby if I didn't have a boyfriend I would probably date him, Peppe this rich kid, Franceso the lovely brother who is just very helpful, Maria Rosaria the skinny ass blonde who is forever laughing at Fede's nose, Giorgia the girl with cute dimples, Gerogia the 10 year old who can speak fluent English and who went shopping with me we were like best buds, Francesca adorable little Italian babe whom I love.
-In Italy, every 15minutes, you will see people kissing, well STOMP doesn't exist in the Italian shadows right?
-Yes, gays and lesbians are very widely accepted, no one will stop and stare at you if you're 'doing things', you'll probably get STOMPed in Singapore.
-Bus systems are different, no EZlink cards, obviously, pay per ride, ride per ticket.
-They get 4 Seasons, we don't.
-Smoking is widely accepted there, it's like, teachers can smoke infront of students and the other way round too, incredible, but the air is, smokish.
-Grafitti is widely accepted.
-Programmes in the TV would consist of Italian channels, and only 1 english channel which is CNN.
-Scenery consists of Mountains, more mountains, monuments. just wow.
-Having Bread every single day for breakfast is not very, I am literally sick of eating bread.
-3 course meals for lunch and dinner anyone? :P
-Drinks consists of water placed in wine bottles, house wine and coke.
-No chilli sauce or self-servicing condiments in McDonalds, want ketchup or mayo? Please play.
-Pay for use of public toilets.
-Italians are very open, like VERY. First day there and I'm already seeing a naked body..
-Italian men are HOT. Girls too.
-They called their teachers Prof.
-They are super hospitable! Especially brothers and parents and aunts and uncles and cousins!
-Very family minded people, in just that week, I met Fede's aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents.
-They love to go to bars, on Sunday, I went to the bar twice.
-The church is very different, traditional versus urbanized.
-Their priest was so friendly, came and talk to me, even though I was like an asian female stranger who played with a tolder boy during mass, laughing and drawing...
You can count me as a crazily obsessed girl, but I really miss Italy, I miss Fede, it has been going to a month since I met Fede and Friends. I love you all, you won't probably be reading this or understanding any word of it but, I miss Federica my short adorable Alessandro loving girl, Noemy my super pretty and talented ballerina, Mirco my cute Italian beloved whereby if I didn't have a boyfriend I would probably date him, Peppe this rich kid, Franceso the lovely brother who is just very helpful, Maria Rosaria the skinny ass blonde who is forever laughing at Fede's nose, Giorgia the girl with cute dimples, Gerogia the 10 year old who can speak fluent English and who went shopping with me we were like best buds, Francesca adorable little Italian babe whom I love.
Monday, 17 December 2012
And the Rest of the Journey in Italy Part 1
Hi guys, okay I'm too lazy to carry on blogging about my trip so I'll just give you the highlights of it okay? :) So on Day 3 in Rome, we met our buddies in the morning at our hotel. She gave me kisses on both cheeks, which was somewhat unexpected, so not used to it! We went around Rome visiting government palaces and Federica (my buddy) and Noemy (Sheralyn's buddy) were like calling each other stupid and crazy.
Noemy: She stupid.
Federica: No! I no stupid! You crazy! (make hand action)
And repeat for 3 times, until I said: You no stupid, and you no crazy.
It's damn funny. My buddy, short but cute. When we headed to her house at night, her 13y.o brother was so kind, her father carried my luggage up to the second floor. It was quite late, like around 10pm, we went to bathe, know what? First day, I can already watch porn. After I bathed, I was blow drying my hair in the toilet. Federica came into the toilet, stripped naked in front of my and showered. I was like, -look away, look away. Federica kept talking to me, so I turned to talk to her and there they were, her two uncut body parts, perfectly shaped. omg, I sound like a pervert. She said she has no shame. And I was like, if I did this at home, my mum will slap me.
Moving on, after bathing it was like 11pm, her mum cooked supper, chicken cutlet. LOL. How to eat like that? No choice, just eat, quite nice lea. Next day, we took the bus to school. Ultimate culture difference: The students can smoke in front of the teacher and the teacher can smoke in front of the students in the school, and they have smoke break. Yea, we'd probably get expelled and fired if we did that in Singapore. Met Mirco, Carmen and Peppe for the first time, they were so funny. Another thing, that was funny, know what was my breakfast? A big bowl (as in soup bowl) of tea and bread with cheese with ham. The thing is, THE FRIGGING BOWL OF TEA. I drank the tea like how I drank mushroom soup with a soup, amazing.
Had presentations, and the news reporter came. Yes, we were on Italian tv babes. We went to the Arechi castle which was breath-taking. Federica went to sit on a rock, I wanted to sit but I saw insects on it. Beside Fede was a plate, we were curious so we lifted the plate up, guess what was underneath? Earthworms. Damn funny. The wind there was so strong could blow my phone away if I didn't hold it properly. We had break there, guess what we ate? BREAD WITH CHEESE AND SALAMI. bread with cheese again. Then Saiful brought muslim food from Singapore and shared with the singaporeans. :P Then we fed some to the Italians and their faces turned green, hahahaha!
My favourite Picture.
We went to the milk factory, and it smelt like milk, which was horrible because I hate milk! We attended some milk lesson there, and the news reporter came again! Just when I was about to go toilet, I walk past the news person, and they asked me for an interview. I very good you know, help the milk factory advertise for their milk. I said: "before coming here, personally I hate milk, it's disgusting, but after I tried the chocolate milk, it tasted so good that I took a second packet!". I almost vomited during the tour of the milk factory. After that, we went to Salerno Park to see the christmas lights. It was so splendid.
Look at how tired I am after the long walk from the streets to this frigging restaurant!
After that we ate at some expensive restaurant, the food not really my kind of food though, but I still ate Tyler's share of spinach because that was the only vegetable I ate since I went to Italy, not counting food in the plane! We went back home and I showered and went to bed, Fede and I were google translating all the way, hahahaha! The funny thing was Fede asked if I was going to shampoo, and I was like, "ofcourse!", then she said, "NO! NO SHAMPOO!". Then I asked why. She said in Italy, they shampoo their hair twice a week. The thing is, her hair still smells good. UNFAIR.
The next day, yeap, we were late for school, because Fede wanted to put make up for me. We went to visit a primary school, they treat us like celebrity sia! The waving their cute Singapore flags they coloured and sang to, "we are singapore, we are singapore, we're a nation strong and free forever more.", so smart they learn this song! All the kids so cute, Fede went aorund like, "come si chiama?" to almost every kid she finds cute.
Kimberley was like playing with the kids. During lunch provided at the primary school, Kimberley wore Saiful's hoodie, which was huge, and she wore a cap, and she was acting like some rapper gangster, so cute and funny! Then she danced gangnam style for everyone. Then it started to Hail! My first time seeing Hail! So scary, it's like ice dropping from the sky, damn pain one. Went to the university, nothing much. I kept calling Kimberley in her buddy's accent. Because all I hear Kim's buddy saying is, "Kimberly, come here.", like a mother. O: Thankfully, we didn't eat bread for break. We went to the pasta factory, which was quite boring and Fede was like, "Boring!! Boring!!". In the bus, Tyler and I kept singing Taylor Swift songs! And then I sang Cercavo Amore and Noemy recorded it and showed it to everyone, Sheralyn told me, when they went home, Noemy kept playing the video of my singing to people.
Embarrassed. After pasta factory, we went home! Heheheh. Went home and saw a down syndromed person. It was Fede's aunt. She was so psyched about chinese and bowed to me. LOL. She kept smiling at me, such a nice lady, it's quite sad she has down syndrome. Fede's uncle and uncle's wife and son came also. Aunt Sevastianna was Romanian, the place where Dracula came from! She kept talking to me and kept saying it was so nice to meet me. She was the only one with quite fluent english so I kept talking to her! Dinner was delizioso! Yums! After dinner, Fede and I went out via Alessandro's (Fede's bf) car.
It was quite awkward in the car. Because Alessandro and Fede were quarelling as I sat at the back seat pretending I didn't hear anything. The funny thing was that I didn't knew they were fighting at first and kept smiling until, Fede turned to me and said, "Alessandro and me, problem.". When we got out of the car, Fede was so sad, she had broken up with Alessandro.. ): To be continued tomorrow.
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