bachiarmi, abbrachiarmi, idolatrarmi. It's not possible to pronoucne idolatrarmi in english, but it is possible to pronounce it in Italian, amazing right? I have been learning that song since monday beause federica told me to go and listen! Federica damn short, but I think she damn cute sia because like she keep speaking english wrongly. Went to work today, oh shit, I haven't pass up MOB! Die die die, shall send now..... And since I know my Italian buddy's address, I shall download Google Earth and stalk her house now, hahaha!
Went work work early in the morning today because I don't wanna get caught wearing slippers into work. So right, sit inside eat my hotdog and mash potato. Work started at 10.30am, Jerry taught me how to do cashier, very luan. The cashier machine like spoil or what keep pressing the screen but like nothing. Quite fun also. You'd never guess who I saw when I working today, MISS CHIN! LOL. She was standing behind me while I was cleaning tables and she was like asking me questions like a normal customer, I only realised that its her when I turned around to face her, chua tio you know. Then, Firdaus called me and said he misses me, goodness, I think I better tell him and set things straight that I do not entertain this kind of thing. Goodness, Jason another fellow, keep disturbing me ask me if I want burger or not, he make for me, blablabla. Hahaha, my work place like damn weird. The best is KK cooking a nice breakfast for me. ^^ Too bad he is still in Taiwan.
Went home straight after work, sibie sian and tired. They asked me to stay for some makan thing, mai luh, jin sian. Manager Gabriel kept talking to me about his church, New Creation, keep saying it's the 'in' church right now, hahaha, yalayalayala. I want to go Marine Life Park, Grand Opening to Public tomorroow must go okay!! $29 only! Water park also open to public! I like helping people advertise. That's about it! Ciao!
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
And the Birthdays.

I know, my blog has been really dull lately, so lazy to upload pictures you know. On Saturday, went to school for M.I World briefing, the indian teacher damn funny. Parents came and all, walao eh, so many parents ask so much questions, hen fan, ren jia yao hui jia. Okay not really, my hotel buddy is Kimberley, hehehehehhh. Jacob is damn funny, she say she want to bring maggime there to eat. My group consists of Ray, Kimberley and me! Poor Ray gonna do all the presentation because Kim and I did the powerpoint slides. Ohya, so on Saturday right, after going to school, went to H&M to get more winter clothes together with my parents. Woa I tell you, H&M sell many many winter clothes sia! But all so ex tmd. After that jiu go home le.

On Sunday, went to church in the morning and then went to cousin Samuel's son's 1 year birthday for Shawn and 1 month for Nigel! Got to see cousin Daniel's daughter, walao eh so cute sia, feel like having baby on my own. Everyone I know like giving birth rdy sia. Baby Olivia damn pretty, her eyes damn big and her skin so fair, and somemore she was wearing angel wings and a pink tutu! She can't even speak, that is how young she is. When camera flash right, she will laugh and smile, crazy girl hahaha! She loves gold necklaces and expensive watches I tell you, everyone that carry her, Olivia will just take the jewellery and smell it, play with it, woa I tell you ah, this girl grow up confirm must have rich husband.

On Monday, it was my brother John's birthday! HAPPY SWEET 16, YOU ARE SO DAMN OLD, PEOPLE SAY YOU LOOK OLDER THAN ME. I am so happy, hahaha! Yet so evil, many people say I'm evil you know, walao eh. Think about all the nice things I have done for you before looking at the negative things I have done which are so much lesser! People are not born perfect. So anyway, went to vivocity and watch pitch perfect, eat japanese food and stuff. So damn yummy, but I didn't even have any appetitie, these few days like that...

Today, went to work in the morning, same usualy thing, cleaning tables. Auntie Ju is damn weird I swear, Auntie Sally also. Where is Auntie Cheryl, she is the only normal auntie around. haha! Met my another manager, Peggy, she bought sweets from Taiwan and shared with everyone, so nice. Worked with QY, and we sang christmas songs and songs from Dinettes and Daddy O's. Firdaus kept serenading me, and he gave me a bracelet. I don't think he knows I have a bf, nevermind let's wait and see, go with the flow as my dear always says. He is in Taiwan, so difficult to talk to him. Ohya, Vais also working with us, three of us went to play after work. hahaha. And met Marcus also, he went to USS. And met my old sec school friends! They work at Starbot!

So right, I am really excited and hyped for my trip to Europe! If it's you, you also will happy lor. hahaha! I keep interacting with Federica, she is so nice! I hope she can be my buddy! Anyway I just obtained my itenary when I'm in Italy! Here goes:
Colossuem> Spanish Steps> Trevi Fountain> Vatican City> Sistine Chapel>Senate> Camera> Quirinale> Altare della Patria> Patheon Trastevere> San Giovanni Fuori le mura> Take train> take bus> Flag raising ceremony> Arechi Castle> Milk factory> Visits to Old Towns> Luci D'artista> Vecchia Pagliera> Visit Italian schools> primary school> secondary school? university of Salerno> Pasta making factory> fotovoltaic plant> olive oil factory> Mozzarella cheese factory> Paestum> Meteorology lesson> Pompeii> Volcano> Amalfi Coast...
Come see pictures:
Friday, 16 November 2012
And the Walkthrough.
Remember my last post I said I'll post Day 3 pictures of my family vacation? Well, I'm too lazy. :/ I am forever lazy, changing my mind, and that quality of mine always gets me into trouble. I know many people hate changes, but hey change is good, you can explore new things, you don't always have to stick to your old clothes/self/whatever you wanna put here. Am I right anot? If you don't know how much I have changed since I was a kid, I'll give you a walkthrough right here right now. ^^
Mummy's girl > Normal kid > Girlish > Nerd > Tomboy > Drama-mama > Girlish > Rebellious > Money-face > Normal kid. That's how I was ~ You want my life story, you can visit <text me for details>. Hehehehhh. Only if you're bored or something.
Gosh, my bf's in Taiwan now, he only comes back on the 25th! And by the time, I fly to Italy already! ): Anyway, the last few days I didn't update is because I was working, working so hard you know, don't know for what, crazy girl. Wednesday work suppose to end at 6.30pm, but manager extended to 7.30pm cause not enough people, then extend to 8.00pm for closing, Then extend to 10pm for Staff After Party! At least got free Makan Buffet and Free Teddy Bear take. I queue up 3 times and take 3 bears. Greedy, hahahaha. First day of work right, damn tiring, until now I got arm ache, backache, calve ache, thigh ache, neck pain and all. ):
Yesterday ended work at 8.30pm for closing, I make many new friends you know! Like auntie Cheryl (at first I thought she was a teenager when I saw her name on the list, end up one auntie.), Liana, Mariana, Firdaus, Jason, Uncle Chef, Uncle Chef 2, Harrick, Jerry, Ogie, the others I forget the name rdy. :/ Today, continue working, but only until 7pm! Then QY and I went to help one angmoh group of 3 to find the monorail. so good right? Today my brother won't be coming home, he stay at his friend house, because today he got Grad Night at some hotel, so good lor, my one last year kanasai sia.
Okay, got to catch up on all my shows already, so long never watch! Goodbye! Goodnight!
Mummy's girl > Normal kid > Girlish > Nerd > Tomboy > Drama-mama > Girlish > Rebellious > Money-face > Normal kid. That's how I was ~ You want my life story, you can visit <text me for details>. Hehehehhh. Only if you're bored or something.
Gosh, my bf's in Taiwan now, he only comes back on the 25th! And by the time, I fly to Italy already! ): Anyway, the last few days I didn't update is because I was working, working so hard you know, don't know for what, crazy girl. Wednesday work suppose to end at 6.30pm, but manager extended to 7.30pm cause not enough people, then extend to 8.00pm for closing, Then extend to 10pm for Staff After Party! At least got free Makan Buffet and Free Teddy Bear take. I queue up 3 times and take 3 bears. Greedy, hahahaha. First day of work right, damn tiring, until now I got arm ache, backache, calve ache, thigh ache, neck pain and all. ):
Yesterday ended work at 8.30pm for closing, I make many new friends you know! Like auntie Cheryl (at first I thought she was a teenager when I saw her name on the list, end up one auntie.), Liana, Mariana, Firdaus, Jason, Uncle Chef, Uncle Chef 2, Harrick, Jerry, Ogie, the others I forget the name rdy. :/ Today, continue working, but only until 7pm! Then QY and I went to help one angmoh group of 3 to find the monorail. so good right? Today my brother won't be coming home, he stay at his friend house, because today he got Grad Night at some hotel, so good lor, my one last year kanasai sia.
Okay, got to catch up on all my shows already, so long never watch! Goodbye! Goodnight!
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
And the Family Vacation Part 1
I'm back from my family trip! 11 more days to ITALY. It's so near, words can't describe how retarded I am behaving! Work starts tomorrow as well, going to work in USS with my dear Indian friend, also, HAPPY DEEPAVALI! I am going to tell you about my family trip, enjoy my story! For those going Genting also right, better read this to give you a rough idea if you have forgotten what a Genting trip is like.
Day 1
The First World Hotel is the worst hotel I've ever been to, seriously, The view from our room is like crap, guess what was it? 2meters away from my window is another person's window, facing directly opposite, where the hell is the view? Somemore the tv is the size of my computer screen, jiu shi zhe yang lor. Last time we stay at Hotel Highlands, damn ncie, but now...
Had dinner at Mushroom Farm, just a short walk down from Genting! Or you can also take a free bus ride, got people come and fetch one. Got fetch back also! Since the food there is cheaper than those in Genting we went to try and eat lor. But it's actually not very fantastic la. My brother and I were camwhoring theere, hehehhh. One of his face look like the Dan Ying face. After that went back to the hotel already because my cramps were very jialat. ):
Went to have Kenny Rogers Roasters (Chicken) for lunch! Yumxcz! The service is damn bad btw, because they speak to us in Malay again. ):<
After those rides and lunch, we went for Karaoke at 1pm. Ohyayayaya, it was Malaysia'a Deepavaali day so the rides all open at 9am! Thats why must wake up very damn fucking early. The Karaoke quite ex you know! Is not like KBOX count number of person, the payment is when you use the room for every 2 hours! RM60/2 Hours, no drinks or whatever, somemore the songs all so old one, eyyer. ): But the bowling right, at night go better because it's glow in the dark. ^^
My brother and I split from my parents, they wanted to go for Tangs 70% sale, ya they having sales at the hotel now! So my brother and I went to the FISH SPA! RM18! If you want plus Neck Massage I think it's RM25! Damn ticklish, cannot look downwards, must look upwards because if you see the fishes eating your dead skin on your feet you will think that the fish is eating you. That's what happened to me, so I took out my legs from the aetr many times! Then keep flipping the fish into the air. LOL.
The rest, I will update in my next post, damn tiring you know!
Day 1
So, we set off from People's Park Centre at Chinatown for Genting at 9pm, and reached at 3am. Can you believe how stupid it is to reach at 3am in the morning and we can only check in at 10am. During the coach ride, ours is 707 coach, keep stopping at checkpoints you know, damn irritating, halfway sleeping ah must wake up and walk. Damn cold you know, I must wear 2 jackets and 2 pairs of gloves, the temperature was 15 degrees!!
Don't I look good in front of the Big Ben? Yes, in the indoor theme park, they got many many monuments like Eiffel Tower also have, Statue of Liberty, etc. We had so much time to kill so we walk walk. If you want to navigate around using a map, be sure to look out for these monuments as checkpoints, easier to locate where you want to go. We went to Macdonalds to eat to kill time, walao eh, damn ex sia RM20 like one normal meal, crazy right! Don't eat the Macs there, because their service like shit also. While my family was sitting there eating, the Mac cleaner talk to us tin Malay, then we were like, "li gong simi wei?", means what talking you? We look like Malaysian meh. I mean why can't you just speak english in case you actually speak to a tourist? My father kinda understood and the cleaner ask us to go out because he cleaning. -.-
So after we could check in, we went to buy the tickets, very long queue, must go early next time. We went to sit the 4D Motion Master in the indoor park because it was raining. (No refund of outdoor tickets if rides closes.) It is RM97 for 2 days unlimited indoor + outdoor, quite cheap. Walao eh, so angry, we queue for 1hr30minutes just to watch a children show called "The Little Prince", we thought was Haunted Mine, but no! Haunted Mine only starts after 4.30pm. Waste my time. ):<
These are some rides we took! My mum damn crazy, bring camera and take pictrues on the viking! This is a must play! Damn fun an shiok!!!
This is the Corkscrew, if you have taken Cylon and Human, this is nothing, seriously. The upside down part have but very light like cannot feel anything. After this ride, went to have lunch at the outdoor theme park, Fishball Beehoon soup, quite tasty, cheap somemore! Also ate Tea Egg, RM2!!
Goodness, what is my father doing? O:
This is the SPINNER, THIS IS ALSO A MUST RIDE! Damn fun! Even though last time when I was 11 I ride this and kena Asthma attack, but it was so worth it!
Took a second round, the queue quite short at first, but after time, very long, so must faster go take! :)
Okay, see this ah:
TADA! Nice hor? Awww, sweet family photos. :) Look at the changes of everyone!!
After ride until sian ready, went shopping ~ But in the end, only bought Mini Uno Cards. LOL, for myself. Yes I know, I am damn childish. I am modelling in this picture hehehhh.
Day 2
Morning my parents force my brother and I to wake up at 7am! So damn early. I was like, "Today got no church and no school why must wake up early.", while I roll on the bed.
Went for breakfast at First World Cafe at Level 3, it was an international buffet breakfast, guess what? No pork, where is the damn pork, where is my bacon and sausage and ham!? Still say what international, anyway damn cheap only RM29, Singapore $12. The stuff there quite limited as compared to the breakfast buffet I ate in Australia Grand Chancellor Hotel in Gold Coast. Still quite okay I must say, other than the pork.
After that we went to play more rides! This ride ah, seriously, because of my bastard brother I got headache. ): He keep spinning the frigging cup!
I think this view is very nice!
We are too white for Vais now. ^^ Know there is this ride called the Flying Coaster, CAUTION: Your head will have concussion after riding once or twice. You know why? Because it is a lying down roller coaster right, when it turns right, damn fast then my head keep go left and right, hit the sides, damn painful. ): Somore must pay RM2 for the locker (even though it's damn cheap, I LIKE TO SAVE MONEY K.)
Went to have Kenny Rogers Roasters (Chicken) for lunch! Yumxcz! The service is damn bad btw, because they speak to us in Malay again. ):<
After those rides and lunch, we went for Karaoke at 1pm. Ohyayayaya, it was Malaysia'a Deepavaali day so the rides all open at 9am! Thats why must wake up very damn fucking early. The Karaoke quite ex you know! Is not like KBOX count number of person, the payment is when you use the room for every 2 hours! RM60/2 Hours, no drinks or whatever, somemore the songs all so old one, eyyer. ): But the bowling right, at night go better because it's glow in the dark. ^^
My brother and I split from my parents, they wanted to go for Tangs 70% sale, ya they having sales at the hotel now! So my brother and I went to the FISH SPA! RM18! If you want plus Neck Massage I think it's RM25! Damn ticklish, cannot look downwards, must look upwards because if you see the fishes eating your dead skin on your feet you will think that the fish is eating you. That's what happened to me, so I took out my legs from the aetr many times! Then keep flipping the fish into the air. LOL.
The rest, I will update in my next post, damn tiring you know!
Monday, 12 November 2012
And the Summarised Trip.
Hello! Just a quick post as I am at Genting lan, don't ever come to the lan here, seriously, i change comp 4 times rdy. Firstly because some games cannot work, secondly because no internet in that comp, thirdly is because the comp screen became blue, wtf. Fed up. I'm going to give you a brief summary (without pictures) of what I did here, then when I'm back in SG I'll upload pics and stuff. :)
8.30pm went ppl's park centre, 9am set off to Genting, 3am reach Genting. 10am check into hotel. 11am went to play rides indoor, outdoor. Skip to today, 7.30am woke up to freshen up. 8am hotel breakfast. 9am went for rides. 1pm went karaoke. 4.15pm went fish spa. And here I am inside the shittiest lan on earth. So angry now, cannot refund somemore, dont come here I tell you.
8.30pm went ppl's park centre, 9am set off to Genting, 3am reach Genting. 10am check into hotel. 11am went to play rides indoor, outdoor. Skip to today, 7.30am woke up to freshen up. 8am hotel breakfast. 9am went for rides. 1pm went karaoke. 4.15pm went fish spa. And here I am inside the shittiest lan on earth. So angry now, cannot refund somemore, dont come here I tell you.
Friday, 9 November 2012
And the Japanese Greetings.
Ciao ciao ciao! Buonasera! I'm preparing to go to church now, so sad cannot go watch bf's rugby match vs saints. Going to Genting later around evening/night! So sian you know, today my period came. Aye, it's okay, I still trust God that i'll be fine. ^^ Cramps go away, you are not welcomed! So for the next 3-4 days, I am not going to update you about what I will be doing, unless you check my twitter/insta if they have wifi there. :) It has been 1 year since my last family trip to Australia and the whole Japan thing really got me laughing.
Go back, go back to last year, my luggage got sent to Fukushima Japan, and then an Australian guy knelt down infront of me while I was walking on the streets and said, "Konichiwa!", ya my mum's expression was like, "what are you trying to do to my daughter?!". Goodness, so funny. Okay, gotta go change now~ Sayonara~
Go back, go back to last year, my luggage got sent to Fukushima Japan, and then an Australian guy knelt down infront of me while I was walking on the streets and said, "Konichiwa!", ya my mum's expression was like, "what are you trying to do to my daughter?!". Goodness, so funny. Okay, gotta go change now~ Sayonara~
And the Logical Thoughts.
2 weeks, just two more week to my Italy trip! And tomorrow I'm going Genting at night! See whether I can go watch bf play in the match! Dont know whether he going to change to Rugby anot, he like also good in Rugby, this funny boy ah.
Logical Thoughts 1 - Multi-tasking.
Today morning I on all the comps in my house and played audition, maple, habbo, l4d, sims, so fun sia seriously, play together all on my own, you should try multitasking. It's like, "ooh I feel like playing this now" then I play, will never get bored, because after playing 10 minutes of this game you switch to another game on another comp, no need to even load! You will never get bored this way.
Logical Thoughts 2 - Doing things Alone.
So I bathed and went to Habourfront Pizzahut to eat lunch alone. It sounds so lonely right? But I usually watch movie alone, cycle alone, jog alone, shop alone, eat alone, because this way I can enjoy life my way, no need to compromise with other people. Imagine you want to watch one movie with a group of people, then pay money also got problem because some people never bring exact or some even not enough, walao eh. Then must waste more time deciding on the movie to watch, and some people must go home early then the movie timings cannot match. WTF.
Imagine you go cycling with a group, walao eh, just don't understand why other people must cycle so fast, then I feel damn slow, so depressing.. What to do? My legs no stamina. What is the point of cycling in the park when you can't enjoy the breeze, the sea and the surroundings, instead in the end I try to catch up with other people, I get leg cramp, butt cramp, perspire so match I look like crap. So much better to cycle alone, at my own pace. You think what we in cycling marathon is it???
Can save so much money.
Lastly, imagine eating with other people, must take time to entertain your friends, omg I am so lazy, why can't we all just eat silently and enjoy our food. Some people, woa bth, must eat at expensive restaurants, why cannot just save money and eat at food court, now I am even happy with Hawker Centre because its damn fucking cheap. Where got time to wait for the expensive food to cook, where got time use credit card and pay and wait for the bill, where got time to eat with table manners? I love to eat with my bf because he always cook.
Just Normal Thoughts:
After eating, went to meet QY, Sam at KFC while Vais was with me, we took RWS8 into Sentosa, free ride ~ A priviledge of working in RWS, no need to go and waste money pay $3 for monorail and don't know how much for cable car, must walk so fasr somemore, where got time? Then I got my Name Tag today, so fun, I don't know why but I just feel so happy receiving a name tag! Then went to make RWS staff card, the tap in tap out part v fun sia. And then went for uniform fitting, thank goodness my uniform not as bad as other people, they seriously look like clown no joke. Then after taking tour of the place we working in, it was very late already like 4.30pm. Since we were already inside USS for free, we made use of the opportunity and went to ride mummy ride. hehehehh, bad ass us. Then we went to Macs to eat.
Vais ask me to shop with her to buy clothes for her deepavli, omg, so reluctant you know, but she say she don't know what to where, she want my opinion, so hey, you made me sound like a professional so why not. ;) I AM SO GOOD BLEH. I am finally home, so tired, gotta watch Vampire Diaries now! And I must go research on Spanish Steps...
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